Friday, October 28, 2005

Now for the Gnu News...

There is good news about our economy. Economists had forecast GDP would advance at a 3.6% rate in the July-to-September quarter. The economy has now expanded faster than 3% for 10 straight quarters.3.8% growth in spite of hurricanes is excellent. Think what it might have been. The tax cuts have stimulated the economy.

President Bush's nomination of a highly qualified replacement for Alan Greenspan as Federal Reserve Chairman is expected to pass Senate confirmation easily. This is great news. Economist Ben Bernanke is expected to follow Greenspan's guidance. Mister Greenspan is seventy-nine years old. "He has won praise for his guidance of the world's largest economy." See the story by (Mario Ritter) for details.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Charles Hurt covers the story of the Harriet Miers nomination withdrawal in the (Washington Times) today.

Is there still faith in the advise and consent? Does the President and his staff listen? These are questions that can be answered - Yes! We the people do still matter. We thank Harriet Miers for withdrawing her name and we thank President Bush for accepting her withdrawal. She may yet serve as an ambassador or other high government post. She is a well qualified person.

Many Conservatives including this blogger called for the withdrawal and we are pleased. We resoundingly disagree with Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat that the nominee MUST be in the mold of Sandra Day O'Connor to unite the country. He knows, as does the entire world, that President Bush said he would appoint a nominee in the mold of Scalia or Thomas.

We are asking the President to nominate a highly qualified person with a clear record of Conservative judicial thinking. The person does not have to meet a test as unifier, female, black, Hispanic or any other label to serve on the Supreme Court. The person does have to be a CONSERVATIVE in the mold of Scalia and Thomas. That and that alone will satisfy.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

"So many questions...

Phyllis Schlafly of (Eagleforum) has some questions, and they are the same questions that many other Conservative supporters of President Bush have.

You said, "Trust me." But why should we trust you when experience proves we could not trust the judgment of President Reagan (who gave us Justices O'Connor and Kennedy) or President George H.W. Bush (who gave us Justice Souter)? Are you more trustworthy than Reagan or your father?" I guess this one is the hardest question for me.

Why would you ask me to trust you when your nominee is not known to be in the mold of Anthony Scalea and Clarence Thomas.? These have been accused of being far RIGHT. Two more far right judges would give the Court a chance to stop far LEFT legislation from the bench. This is the ONLY chance we have. From what we have seen Roberts and Meirs are not far RIGHT. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is far LEFT - an ACLU lawyer.

Would it be out of the question to nominate a person that was known to be as far RIGHT as Ginsburg is LEFT? It is not out of the question, it is expected. It was a big part of the 2004 campaign; you would be able to appoint two or more Conservative Supreme Court Judges.

Why would you ask me to trust you with an unknown when there are plenty of known Conservative Scaleas and Thomas' who are on record as Conservative? They have fought the good fight and kept the faith. You have a right to nominate anyone you want. But we have a right to question your judgment on this most important nomination and we do.

"The power of the President...

It might be a little early but the "next disaster", hurricane Wilma, may be in my state of Florida. I want to thank President Bush for reducing her from a class 5 to a 2 or 1 class by the time it reaches his brother. Governor Bush and the rest of us are ready. We've been through this several times so it's hard to blame the President for favoritism. Maybe there is some sibling rivalry. But he did keep the hurricane stronger when it hit some who chose to live below sea level, and were not related by blood.

FEMA came by my place after we had four hurricanes in six weeks. I had a large pine limb through my livingroom roof and water damage. I told them to help those who had lost everything. They sent be a copy of their report. "No SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE" - and no check came. I was pleased. My nearby neighbor had no damage but received a LARGE check. She also was well pleased.

Friday, October 21, 2005

" I Spy...

Work continues at "The Company" as those entrenched continue to resist change. Is there a need for change at the CIA after 9/11/01? The failed political policies of the Agency to undermine the 2004 election, ( Wilson & blame - WMD), and retain the job of those who failed with WMD briefs became more important than National Security.

Clearly there was internal confusion in the CIA on their Iraq-Niger intelligence. But the National Intelligence Estimates states that as early as 2001 "...Niger planned to send several tons(500) of 'pure uranium' (probably yellowcake) to Iraq... , this was cleared by the CIA for the Presidents speech. That is enough for ten bombs.

Now comes the TWIST and the MSM's cry "Where are the WMD"? Is this POLITICAL, you bet. Plant two estimates, later to be called CONFUSION, and condemn the President with either - "there is NO evidence or there IS evidence for Iraq having capability of WMD."

Today David Ignatius ( discusses the "Danger Point In Spy Reform." Ignatius speaks of the " incomplete effort to restructure the intelligence community." It is human nature to resist change. It is more so if you are a D.C. bureaucrat.

He concludes with"The half-baked intelligence reorganization should go back in the oven. Negroponte, supported by President Bush, must finish the process -- and consolidate this overlayered bureaucracy. Getting intelligence right is a life-or-death matter for America, and, so far, it's only partly right."

I wholeheartly agree that the process started by President Bush MUST be finished. I disagree with the tone of the article that this "Spy Reform" is being botched by President Bush's Republican Porter Goss as director of the CIA. The ones sent to bring about REFORM, call the"Gosslings" at Langley by the LIBERALS is a sign of their hatred of this President. That's POLITICAL.

Bill Gertz in his book, "Breakdown" has it right. There is enough blame to go around in both Democrat and Republican Administrations. The intelligence failures that led to September 11, 2001 was a "life-or-death matter for America." That was and is bigger than "MY JOB" at the CIA or "HOW CAN I GET POLITICAL ADVANTAGE FROM THIS TRAGEDY."

Monday, October 17, 2005

"American conservatism...

Today in the WSJ Rush Limbaugh makes the conservative point. We conservatives know what we believe and we hold our elected officials accountable. Whether its President, Senator, or Congressman we will let them know that we do not support any who go against our stated beliefs. Contrary to Liberal Democrats and their MSM spokesmen who see this inside accountability as a split in the Conservative Party we see it as healthy.

Conservatism and Liberalism are at odds with each other. The last two election cycles have gone Conservative. That could change if the two change or if one begins to merge into the other. Conservative Republicans have worked long and hard to obtain a majority in the two houses and the White House.

The Supreme Court, unlike the elected officials, does not allow itself to be elected. The founding fathers saw this as a good thing. It allows the individual judge to make decisions based on the constitution without the pressure of special interest groups and their money. The Supreme Court has legislated from the bench and it is time for it to stop. Now is the time to make that clear. A Conservative President is expected to nominate and a majority of Conservative Senators are expected to confirm a Conservative Supreme Court nominee.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

"ABC does it right...

BRAVO ABC - yes you heard it right. Today, ABC News is breaking a disturbing report, the result of a four-month investigation, regarding the safety of nuclear reactors on university campuses across the country. Many were not guarded or even protected. That is GOOD reporting.

Tonight on Primetime at 10:00 pm ET. ABC News shared its findings with officials before going public so that these security lapses could be addressed before they were widely known. Now that is responsible journalism. We could use a great deal more of that.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

President on war...

The New York Times carries the President's( transcript). "I'm honored once again to be with the supporters of the National Endowment for Democracy.

Since the day President Ronald Reagan set out the vision for this endowment, the world has seen the swiftest advance of democratic institutions in history. And Americans are proud to have played our role in this great story."

Thus began the speech of WHY we are in a Global War, WHERE Iraq is the center, WHAT has happened, and is happening , and How our President believes that it will end. It is truly a great speech. It will be attacked by the MSM as - STILL NO DATE FOR WITHDRAWAL!!! ETC.

On another front,(BBC) Press Office, reports "President George W. Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals." In yesterday's post, we stated that no one doubted that President George W. Bush was a REAL born-again Christian. Real Christians know that God answers prayer, and directs His children through the Bible. He went on to say, ... by God's help he would do just that. We will wait and see what the unbelieving MSM will do with that.

White House denies Bush claimed divine inspiration. It makes for a good made for TV story draw though. The born-again Christian world view (Theism) will be on trial in the Senate confirmation hearings as well. Ms. Meirs is a committed active evangelical Christian.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Real George W. Bush...

One thing that is being overlooked in the comments I see, is that the Republican Party knew that Governor Bush was not a Right-Wing Conservative when we nominated him for President in 2000. There were no ultra- conservatives that were electable way back then.

He had a record of working with Democrats in Texas. George W. Bush was the best candidate the Republican Party had that could be elected to the Presidency. No one questions that he is a Christian, that he is a Conservative, that he is REAL. There are Liberal Republicans, Moderate Republicans, and Conservative Republicans, and some in-between. For most of us Conservative, grassroots activists, our President is a Moderate. He has nominated two Moderate Republicans to the Supreme Court. He believes that they are the best people for the Supreme Court.

I was in the 60% group that was disappointed with the Harriet Meirs appointment. I predicted the President would nominate her, and I predicted that she would receive bipartisan support. I like so many that worked to get a Republican majority in our government wanted a creditable, with credentials Conservative nominee. Harriet Meirs is not that person.

I predict that there will be another round of posturing and protesting. The Republicans will join together to vote up or down this nominee. Its tough; because we don't know her. The President is REAL, only time will tell if Ms. Meirs is a REAL Conservative who stands for our values.

Monday, October 03, 2005

"Its morning in America..."

"It is morning in America" at least in the highest Court. Chief Justice John Rogers started his new job right on time. The Roberts Court, as it is now called is off and running with cases on labor and fuel taxes. We wish the Roberts Court well. The President nominated well, the Senate confirmed well, and we look forward to Chief Justice John Roberts serving well.

Harriet Miers was nominated to replace Sandra Day O'Connor for several reasons. The days following will bring out the research done by and for this nominee. Three reasons are evident from the git go:BALANCE - woman replacing a woman - voice for those who have not been a judge(bipartisan request) - Moderately Conservative. QUALIFIED - meets all the requirements to be Supreme Court Judge. Some of the best Supremes were not judges. FULFILLS CAMPAIGN PROMISE - President Bush promised to appoint Supreme Court nominees that shared the beliefs of the Conservative base.

There are those who will be against Harriet Miers from the Right, Left, and Against ANY Bush nominee. I predicted John Rogers and I predicted Harriet Miers. I predict there will also be bipartisan support in the Senate for Harriet Miers.

President Bush is not as Conservative as most of his base, and he is far to conservative for most of the Liberal Democrats in Congress. I am sure, in his mind, he is satisfied that he has nominated those who have fulfilled his campaign promises. More so, he believes that Rogers, and now Miers are the BEST people for the Supreme Court in America.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Showdowns in the news...


"The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance." SHOWDOWN is the key word here.

Al Gore did not invent the Internet. The EU didn't invent the Internet, and the U N didn't either; yet all three have insisted that they have credit and some control of the Internet. Why is it that those who did not do the research, spend the money, or take the chances DEMAND their rights to take credit and have control. There has even been a call for the United(read un) Nations to TAKE OVER controll.

The UNITED STATES created the Internet! It started as a Pentagon project and its early development was paid for by taxpayers in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. The U.S. Commerce Department retains veto power, and that is where it belongs.

There was no SHOWDOWN with the Senate confirmation of Chief Justice John Roberts. No "nuclear option" was needed, just an honest, dignified, up or down vote. Each Senator stood to cast their vote, which was a nice touch.

Judith Miller is OUTED. The big SHOWDOWN with the NYT journalist and the White House turns out to be a Big Show. "Is it in their interests to turn Miller into a martyr?" Dan Froomklin, Washington Post columnist asks us. My answer has always been YES. Big Show - No Go.

President Bush will have a SHOWDOWN this week in three areas, according to Steve Holland, Reuters(search) . He will focus on" hurricane recovery, Iraq and energy." We could add that another Supreme Court nominee may be announced.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

"Securing our borders...

Civilian monitors on both borders
By Jerry SeperTHE WASHINGTON TIMES October 1, 2005 immigration reform.

"We've written letters, sent faxes and e-mails, made countless calls and held town hall meetings about what is not just a public safety issue but a national security concern," Mr. Simcox said, describing his group's message to the government. "But we're done waiting for the government to do the job of securing our borders."

We have been waiting for the government to bring forth a solution to our growing illegal immigration problem. The bills working slowly through Congress are not acceptable to either side of the political spectrum. The Minutemen have been criticized; yet they have been effective. They have not caused any problem for law enforcement.

President Bush has denounced the volunteers as vigilantes. We take exception with the President at this point. The Minutemen have not assumed the authority of the law; but have assisted the law by reporting illegals to them.

It is past time for the government to secure our borders with trained people. We are at war. We salute the Minutemen for standing in the gap while our government comes to realize that we the people want secure borders.

We did not get millions of illegal aliens since 2000, nor were we at war when President Bush took office. He inherited both circumstances. We are not blaming him, we are asking him and Congress to secure our borders now. It is not asking to much for our government to stop illegal activity. We know it can be done, the Minutemen are providing the numbers. Rather than criticize them, lets replace them with trained agents.

Jerry Kilgore, Republican for Governor of Virginia, " opposes the use of taxpayer money to support and encourage illegal behavior. Kilgore opposes the awarding of government contracts, tax credits or other taxpayer-provided support for companies that hire illegal aliens."

Arnold Schwartzenegger, Republican Governor of California, "The governor stressed the Minutemen organization should be held to high standards." He went on to say that the Minutemen are there to report the illegals that the border patrol misses.