Friday, March 03, 2006

"Hated by fools...

"Hated by fools,and fools to hate,
Be that my motto and my fate." -Swift

A song I used to sing as a child said in part - "be kind to your web-footed friends in the swamp,
where the weather is cold and domp..."

Reminds me of the "fever swamps of Washington" as Wesley Pruden of the Washington Times calls our National Capitol today. Any one who has spent any amount of time in this political jungle can relate to the "fever" aspect that is 24/7 inside the beltway.

The 2006 election cycle is in full swing with the no holds barred 2008 contest looming large. The fever comes upon all politicians when they are overcome by that all important question - "What must I do to win?" Which brings us to our quote of the day.

Every elected official believes in their heart of hearts that only a "fool" could hate them. Why? Some of the greatest men in history were hated for doing good. Allow me yet another quote.

"For him who would teach the world
The world holds hate in fee-
For Socrates, the hemlock cup;
For Christ, Gethsemane." - Don Marquis, Wages

The second part of today's quote is "fools to hate." Does hate make one a fool? Most say it does; and not only that, it eats from the inside out. Many Communist and Muslims have shown hate toward President Bush today. "Down with Bush!" and "Death to Bush!" signs were displayed in India. India is the world's largest Democracy. Freedom of speech is guaranteed - except some cartoons. When did it become acceptable to KILL those who disagree with your religion?

Many of us in America that are against hating our fellow man are praying for our President as he travels through hate filled areas of this world. Care to join us?