Saturday, July 30, 2005

"A little nonsense..."

A little nonsense now and then
Is relished by the best of men.

I told you I loved old Nursery Rhymes. Chairman of the DNC, Howard Dean got big laughs and lots of applause at the Oxford Hotel as he ribbed President Bush and the three Rs: Republicans, Rove and Rush:

There are more and more CONSERATIVE media types, and typets on the Web everyday. Remember: Little Green Footballs of CBS forged documents? Captain's Quarters, received the 2004 Award for BEST CONSERATIVE BLOG, from Weblog Awards. Then there's Instapundit, and Hugh Hewitt to name a few that present conserative views.

The RNC hosted by chairman Ken Mehlman has a blog on www. for those of you who would like to voice your opinions by logging on. One such blogger is Maddie of Maddie's Musings here on eblogger.

"Republicans, Rove, and Rush" have stopped the liberal's complete control of the media. Republicans have recruited, registered, and rallied, enough "values" Americans to replace LIBERAL Democrats in the White House, Senate, and the House. They Read their LIBERAL press, they Right their LIBERAL points; but they can't stand Republican Rithmetic at the polls. Rush, then Rove have given the American voter the Reasons to vote the rascals out. Roll on R's!!! Vive le President Bush!

"Byrd by name, Bird by nature..."

There are a few people who remember Robert C. Byrd's theme for his West Virginia leglislative race. Can you visualize a picture of Byrd playing a violin ( fiddle for West Virginians) and the caption:"Byrd by Name and Bird by nature, lets send Byrd to the legislature"? The circular had Byrd's face on a bird's body playing his music... like..., well... like bird's music. Some said he was a showoff, while others said Bob was just fiddling around. I am among that few who remember.

There are more than a few voters that want to retire the U.S. Senator this time. They have some help from his friends in the Senate. Senator Byrd has out liberaled most liberals. Now his record in the Senate has come to haunt him. Using the Senator's words and legislation against him, a video named simply "CHANGE", is running in that state. The Liberal Democrat is running in what has become a Conserative Democrat and Conservative Republican state.

Hiram Lewis has announced his candidacy, and Karl Rove is known to be courting a WV Congresswoman. Shelley Moore Capito is the daughter of two time WV Republican Governor Arch moore. Could the Byrd loose his high perch? Could be.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

"Here come the Judge..."

Many may remember this hilarious line from Shorty Long in 1968. Clerow "Flip" Wilson made it famous in his popular variety show along with, the Minister's wife; Geraldine Jones..., you remember her - "The Devil made me buy this dress.!"

We may be spilling too much blog ink on antics the Democrats play; but there are lessons to learn. Now you take Sen. Chuck Schumer..., please. Sen. Schumer (Dem. NY) said on FoxNews Sunday, 7/24/05, "He's been great!" This is in reference to Judge John G. Rogers; now that was the political massage. This is the set-up.

To the Judge he said he said, "... I will vote for you... (IF) you prove to be a mainstream( a.k.a. narrow, left wing liberal) justice." Why is this important?

Lets look at another example, "The Supreme Court makes law." That was a slip of the tongue by Sen. Schumer; but that is what liberal special interest groups depend on when they can't get legislation passed.

The overwhelming majority of Americans, according to all sources, are in favor of bringing on the Judge. The hearings have been set for August. The vacancy created by the resignation of Judge O'Connor should be filled by a conservative , by October, that does not legislate from the bench. This is not just a fulfillment of a campaign promise, it is in the best interest of the Supreme Court which has become a pseudo legislative body.

It's passed time for the Senate to look at itself as a representative body, not a lobby for special interests. To go against the will of the American voter is not cool. As Geraldine would say looking in the mirror, "When you're hot; you're hot." Lets "Bring on the Judge."

Monday, July 25, 2005

"The mailman always rings...

Yes we are dating ourselves a bit by quoating a really old movie: The Mailman Rings Twice. In the movie the mailman delivers the mail; but he ALWAYS rings twice for you to come to the door. Today we look at the delivery of RNC chairman, Ken Mehlman.

Mehlman Delivers, by WeeklyStandard Executive Editor, Fred Barnes, 25Jul 2005 is an excellent account of the RNC chairman. Why are more Americans responding to the values of the Republican Party? You need look no farther than the chairman's background and philosophy.

"Politics ought to be about addition, not division," Ken Mehlman says. The RNC chairman is crisscrossing America doing just that, adding to the GOP. Reaching out to all Americans to come and join the GOP in its effort to move America forward. His message to the "exurbs" and minority groups is effective. The Republican party is growing because of "inclusion", years in advance of elections. Millions are being contacted through mail, email, and meetings.

The contrast between chairman Mehlman and chairman Dean could not be more vivid. Mehlman Rocks, as the more modern saying goes, he also Delivers.

Friday, July 22, 2005

"An honest politician...

Make no mistake about it... there are honest politicians; but all politicians are in the business of politics, which is called "the art of compromise." At best, it is a give and take profession.

Our quote today comes from a Republican. He was an old 1860 political boss from Pennsylvania. "An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought." We may laugh at this today but there is still an element of truth to the old man's thinking.

If a man or woman is an honest judge, why does it take millions of dollars to prove what is known by everyone he or she has had contact with? The Republicans are doing that with President Bush's nominee Judge Roberts. Democrats and Republicans agree, he is qualified.

With that said... let me give you an analogy:" Old football coach sticks to game plan."

The Democrat attack committee, spokespersons, and bought by left wing special interest groups will attack any nominee by President Bush.

"An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought." ---Simon Cameron c. 1860.

The humor in this, if there is any humor, is the Democrat play book is known better by their opponents than by their players. Its the same old plays every time.

I'm reminded of an old coach at a junior college that had Korean Vets for two years on his football team. These were grown men playing against recent High School kids. Run two ground plays, never a pass, usually picked up first down or touchdown - if not; PUNT, this was always his game plan. The Vets were gone soon, but he kept the same game plan for 20 years. He didn't win many games.

The Democrats controlled the Congress for over forty years. Their game plan is still the same. Get legislation from the bench if you can't get it passed by legislation. Fine something in an opponents background and hold a trial in the press. Smear the opponent in a willing press. If these two plays don't work, your third play is always the same - PUNT. Find something that is classified and DEMAND that it be discussed in the PRESS. When the opponent refuses on the grounds of it is classified, Scream: WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE!!!

When a judge is being considered ask them a question that they can't answer about an issue that may come up in his/her court. Roe v Wade comes to mind. Classified legal briefs also come to mind. The same game plan for stalling the confirmation of John Bolton, remember him?


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Tracking terrorists...

Checking for convicted sex offenders on the internet. . Ref Washington Times story.

I put my own name through - trusting - well maybe; but I have no fear as the saying goes. I still believe in you are innocent until proven guilty. There were no hits in the state where I live for a person by my name, or even a name that sounded like my name.

UPI has the story: National sex offender Web site launched

WASHINGTON, July 20 (UPI) -- The U.S. Justice Department Wednesday activated its online National Sex Offender Public Registry, linking the registries of 22 states.
The site is located at
"Citizens will now be able to search the latest information for the identity and location of known sex offenders across state boundaries," said Regina B. Schofield, assistant attorney general for the Office of Justice Programs.
The department said the free site allows computer users to make a single query to search public state and territory sex offender registries for results based on a name, state, county, town or Zip Code.
The remaining state public sex offender registries are expected to be linked to the NSOPR within six months, the department said.
There are more than 500,000 registered sex offenders nationwide and statistics have shown the recidivism rate for these offenders is high, the department said.

You must give information about yourself that is already known to the officials of the states by your driver's license, voter ID, etc. You must agree to conditions set forth, the rest is easy.

Question: If we (citizens) can do this with convicted sex offenders, why can't we do this with convicted shoe bombers, etc? Why can't we (citizens) type in the name of a known terrorist that we suspect might be living next door? The day of depending on the WANTED poster in the local post office is over.

Toney Blair is calling for the Islamic citizens to step forward and turn in suspected terrorists. The Islamic terrorists live and build bombs in Islamic communities. Islamic cleriks have been living in denial since 9/11/ everywhere in the world. To condemn the murder of innocent civilians is not enough. It is past time for the Islamic communities to join the rest of the communities in every nation to prevent murder.

There is nothing holy about a religion that tolerates the murder of any citizen in the name of religion. There is nothing decent about protecting a sex offended who is known to be planning another attack against an innocent citizen. Every civilized society protects its own from criminal acts. It is high time to unite against these criminals and prevent them from further destruction.


Bush Picks Roberts...

It appears that if Sen. Charles Schumer has a wild response to President Bush's nomination of Judge Roberts, he will be largely alone. Fineman of MSMBC called Roberts "almost" a perfect candidate for the President and the Conseratives in this country.

We take it that "almost" means that no one is perfect. We can say, all things considered, that President Bush has made the perfect pick. This nominee will be confirmed based on the knowledge we have at the present time.

Now is the time for the Senate to work as the Senate. Senators who grandstand will be seen for what they are. A smooth hearing and up or down vote would bode well for the body politic. We wish Judge Roberts well. WE call for a normal and speedy confirmation.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

"Back to the books...

What is all the rage about with this guy - Harry Potter? Would you care to see Harry Potter? Visit Harry Potter's Store?? OK, so now you've seen him. Will you stand in line to buy him?

I have been asked a lot; I mean several people have asked me, what about Harry Potter? One actually asked, did you know the Pope is against Harry Potter? I must confess - I didn't know that. I seem to remember something about the Pope not getting on to well with a King, but that was a long time ago. Surely they have patched things up by now.

Most of us can recall some moments of near magic in our childhood. We knew the monsters under our bed, on a rainy day, were not real. We scared each other with ghost stories. Those times to me seemed unreal in a delightful way. I have another confession; and I'm not Catholic, but I still make up stories to scare my grandchildren. They squeak and squeal and run away; then they do just what I did at their age. They run back and start begging for another story. In your minds eye you can see their faces shining with excitement. Do you see them?

It is true that as children we have trouble separating fact from fantasy. We tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. We are more forgiving, and yes - we can't see the bad hidden in others. As adults we have the responsibility to protect children until they mature enough to protect themselves. It is the responsibility of adults to supervise the child, and keep them from harmful books, movies, etc. One last confession, I still love Mother Goose Rhymes.


Monday, July 18, 2005

"To be, or not to be..."

William Shakespeare had an actor speak this line. In context, it was a matter of life or death. We can use this line without fear of triteness. What are we, and what should we be, crosses our minds from time to time.

To reveal or not to reveal is the question? To revile or not to revile has not been a question for the Democrat leadership in the party, or in the Congress for some time.

"The unnamed FBI agent wrote that she saw one al Qaeda suspect lying in his own excrement, that he had pulled out his own hair and that he had no food and water." This unverified CHARGE was read on the Senate floor by Sen. Dick Durbin. Then he made outrageous CHARGES against out military in Gitmo. He was forced to apologize for making false charges.

Rowan Scarborough of the Washington Times wrote today that the MAJOR CHARGES brought by Sen. Dick Durbin COULD NOT BE SUBSTANTIATED. There were no two or more reliable witnesses to testify that these CHARGES were fact.


Senator Warner was right to point out that the CHARGE had NOT been VERIFIED to Sen. Dick Durbin in the senate. Senator Warner was right to call for an apology from Sen. Dick Durbin to our military. Senator Warner has not given up. This piece by Scarborough goes on to say:"Warner at a hearing last week that the FBI agent was on an unspecified classified "project" and was not available for an interview. Mr. Warner said she should have been tracked down."

To be or not to be our senator could be crossing some minds in the very near future. Senator is no longer a life time appointment. We can be replaced, has become a reality to some who thought they could not be.


Presumed Innocent

Democrats have been trying to create a White House scandal because one has not occured naturally. This has to be an embarrassment considering the past Democrat administration. This partisan smear campaign is beginning to shape up like the phony Dan Rather report.

President Bush is an honest, decent man, who demanded that those in his administration serve decently. The charges leveled against him, and those that serve with him, have been heard and responded to according to the facts of each case.

Presumed Innocent Until Proven Guilty is a term seldom heard in our Congress these days. It is never heard in the press by our "get or create the story at any cost" journalists. Karl Rove is guilty of trying to help a reporter.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

"Is it lawful..."

"Laws are dumb in the midst of arms." --- Cicero

Chairman Ken Mehlman is the right man for the leadership of the Republican National Committee. The best way to test the metal is to place it under fire. Answering the call to appear on "Meet The Press" from Tim Russert, the former aide to Tip O'Neill (Dem. Mass.), John Podesta, the former chief of staff to Bill Clinton(Dem. Ark.), and all the other Democrat regulars who claim they are "fair and ballanced" shows fortitude.

More than fortitude was brought forth from the heart of the man that was speaking from truth rather than speculation. As seen in other places, "Where's the Newt?", these political activists and main stream media are trying to "burn" Karl Rove in spite of his vindication to this point in an ongoing investigation.

The law of calling for a person to be punished before the verdict is read is unlawful. Yet that is what is being done by lawyers. Hillary Clinton, Yale law school, John Kerry, Boston College , and others. When lawyers disrespect the law it follows that the citizens will too.

Clinton and Kerry have called for Karl Rove to be fired while the jury is still out.

"Where's The Newt?" From The New York Times by John Tierney's Op-EdJuly 16, 2005 :

"We are in the midst of a remarkable Washington scandal, and we still don't have a name for it. Leakgate, Rovegate, Wilsongate - none of the suggestions have stuck because none capture what's so special about the current frenzy ...The closest parallel is the moment in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" when members of a mob eager to burn a witch are asked by the wise Sir Bedevere how they know she's a witch.

"Well, she turned me into a newt," the villager played by John Cleese says.

"A newt?" Sir Bedevere asks, looking puzzled.

"I got better," he explains.

"Burn her anyway!" another villager shouts.

I think Tierney is on to something in this New York Times OP-ED. "Laws can be dumb"(silent) when those that are "out" are outraged that they are not "in".

"And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the centurion that stood by, Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncondemned?" Acts 22:25. I think Ken Mehlman, John Tierney, and the Apostle Paul have it right.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

"The only difference,"

"The only difference, after all their rout,
Is that the one is in, the other out." --- Charles Churchill

Many may be saying - when will be get back to books and cooks? All in good time my friends. Current events has a place here in the blogging world. The free discussion of different views is a driving force in the popularity of this new phenomenal cyberspace.

EBLOGGER is open to all types of world views. The bloggs are in the thousands now. All are individuals with individual beliefs. This site has done a lot, to say the least, to promote blogging. It is a free, or for a fee site if you want more "bells and whistles." They offer advertising; , for example, and many other helps.

The attack on Karl Rove is political. This is a current event; because "the one is in, the other out." We are in another election cycle, like it or not, many do not. The humorist, Will Rogers, didn't give a whit about politics. He exclaimed,"I tell you Folks, all Politics is Apple Sauce!"

There you see... we're back to food(Apple Sauce). Apple sauce cake, the kind your grandmother made is still a great favorite of mine. You know the kind that is stuck together with applebutter.

Maybe you have a receipe for old-fashioned applesauce cake you would like to share. Send a comment. In the meantime; I hope you will listen to others, especially those you disagree with. APPLE SAUCE CAKE and COFFEE go well with these conversations. Enjoy...


Saturday, July 09, 2005

"The whole of government..."

"The whole of government consists in the art of being honest."--- Thomas Jefferson

All three branches of national government must be honest to their own duty. Recently two Senators expressed that discussion and openess were being done by this administration; but differences of opinion about the confirmation of Supreme Court nominees was expected.

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) On NBC's "Meet The Press": "And frankly, this administration has done more consulting than any administration in my whole 29 years in the United States Senate. And it's not only going to be pre-consultation, I think it'll be post-consultation once the person is nominated. And I believe that they deserve a lot of credit for it. They've actually consulted as we sit here with dozens of senators in the United States Senate. That's never been done before. Usually a president will talk with the leadership and then talk with the chairman and ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, but they've gone way beyond that." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 7/10/05)
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) On ABC's "This Week" On Up-Or-Down Votes: "Every Republican is united around this fact - we're going to give the nominee an up-or-down vote - but every Republican may not vote for this person." (ABC's "This Week," 7/10/05) .

There is an old saying,"He that is not for me, is against me." The opposite can be stated here. There are a few Republican senators that may be for us; but they can not support a particular nominee. Our President has been more than generous to discuss options with individual senators as senator Hatch states here. This includes Democrats & Republicans, those in leaderships & those outside.Senator Graham has called for an up or down vote, and is quite right to announce that a nominee that leans left or even a moderate that is likely to "drift" left after confirmation will not be voted up by Conservative Republican senators. Our President has put the best interest of America ahead of party politics in our fight against terror, both foreign and domestic. He has said that he will appoint nominees who follow the constitution and I believe him. The Court must come back to its original foundation. Its role and rule has slipped left. That must be corrected. Legislation from the bench must end now. We have the man and the votes to do it now. The President and the senate know what must be done. Each branch of government must exercise its constitutional authority. No more or no less, that is checks and balances. Lets just do it. Left, Middle, and Right are to be represented in the executive, and legislative - not the judicial. Did the lower courts follow the constitution? That is the question for the Supreme Court. The executive and the legislative branches have an opportunity to restore the balance.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"Why is it that we rejoice at a birth...

"Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? Is it because we are not the person concerned?" --- Mark Twain.

We have just rejoiced at America's 228th birthday. At the time of her birth most nations predicted that democracy could not endure. The European countries were wrong. America has become a great nation "under God" and a lighthouse on a hill. A beacon of hope for the oppressed and a threat to tyrants.

We are led by a President born on the 6th day of July. Happy birthday Mr. President. Many have criticized President George W. Bush. The European countries predicted, with some Americans, that his administration could not endure. They were wrong. In his second admistration now, many of his campaign promises have been accomplished. He continues to work to move America and her allies forward. All this while leading a fight against those who desire to KILL AMERICANS in the name of their god.

We rejoice at the birth of our Republic , and at the birth of our President. God bless America and God bless President George W. Bush. We are concerned citizens on this July 6, 2005.


Monday, July 04, 2005

JULY 4, 2005 - Independence Day

"In the course of human events..." this human had a wonderful Independence Day. Hope you did as well. Family, food, and fireworks on the river. What a beautiful day.

After 228 years, this is still the greatest nation on earth. "One nation under God, with Liberty, and Justice for all." The deep space comet probe was a spectacular accomplishment, and one to make all Americans proud on this special day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!


Saturday, July 02, 2005

"Republicans... all white Christian party..."

Mr. Lynn Swann has decided to run for political office. Good for him. If elected, we hope good for the people he represents. Like all elected officials, he will be held accountable for his actions or non-actions, good or bad. But he will not be held accountable for the color of his skin.

"I often think it's comical;
How nature always does contrive
That every boy and every gal,
That's born into the world alive,
Is either a little Liberal,
Or else a little Conserative. - W. S. Gilbert

I agree with you. Mr. Swann has earned his name in sports not because of his race; but by his ability. The electorate should look at his qualifications to hold elected office, and his stand on the issues concerning his political race. PC is dead. It was a liberal idea that promoted bias over good common sense. May it stay dead and never rear its ugly head again.

The G.O.P. is not an "all white" party anymore than the Democrat party is an "all right" party. The majority of American families are conserative in their homes. This was reflected in the last cycle of elections.The conserative message is for people of all walks of life and races, here and abroad. Like the Gospel message is for "you", meaning everyone. . Every man, woman, boy, and girl is included. Each of us are free to choose what we believe, and each of us will be held accountable for our actions. "They" is exclusive - "we" is inclusive. They get way too much blame for what "we" do. Debate is good, hate is wrong when it inflames "us" to name calling, and race baiting. We are the G.O.P. Bring your ideas and help us "move America forward."

I've taken my stand and I respect yours. It's good when we agree; but if we must disagree, lets disagree without being disagreeble. Have an enjoyable Independence Day. We all agree here.
