Friday, July 22, 2005

"An honest politician...

Make no mistake about it... there are honest politicians; but all politicians are in the business of politics, which is called "the art of compromise." At best, it is a give and take profession.

Our quote today comes from a Republican. He was an old 1860 political boss from Pennsylvania. "An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought." We may laugh at this today but there is still an element of truth to the old man's thinking.

If a man or woman is an honest judge, why does it take millions of dollars to prove what is known by everyone he or she has had contact with? The Republicans are doing that with President Bush's nominee Judge Roberts. Democrats and Republicans agree, he is qualified.

With that said... let me give you an analogy:" Old football coach sticks to game plan."

The Democrat attack committee, spokespersons, and bought by left wing special interest groups will attack any nominee by President Bush.

"An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought." ---Simon Cameron c. 1860.

The humor in this, if there is any humor, is the Democrat play book is known better by their opponents than by their players. Its the same old plays every time.

I'm reminded of an old coach at a junior college that had Korean Vets for two years on his football team. These were grown men playing against recent High School kids. Run two ground plays, never a pass, usually picked up first down or touchdown - if not; PUNT, this was always his game plan. The Vets were gone soon, but he kept the same game plan for 20 years. He didn't win many games.

The Democrats controlled the Congress for over forty years. Their game plan is still the same. Get legislation from the bench if you can't get it passed by legislation. Fine something in an opponents background and hold a trial in the press. Smear the opponent in a willing press. If these two plays don't work, your third play is always the same - PUNT. Find something that is classified and DEMAND that it be discussed in the PRESS. When the opponent refuses on the grounds of it is classified, Scream: WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE!!!

When a judge is being considered ask them a question that they can't answer about an issue that may come up in his/her court. Roe v Wade comes to mind. Classified legal briefs also come to mind. The same game plan for stalling the confirmation of John Bolton, remember him?


1 comment:

Michele said...

Don't think they will even punt a field goal on this nominee.........:)

Even Byrd likes him........