Saturday, August 06, 2005

"He jests at scars..."

Much has been written about the wounds received from a supposed friend. These hurt the most. "To bite the hand that feeds you," comes to mind. Such is the case of a lawyer, Walter Smith, Jr.

Lawyers are often instructed to assist other lawyers in their law firm without consideration of their personal beliefs. They are required to practice "moot court" to help a law firm prepare.

The big "Exposure" in the LA Times and NY Times was to show the open minded and compassionate side of Supreme Court nominee Judge John Roberts; for a minority group we're sure.The chief source of the story is this guy Walter Smith who worked at Roberts' law firm 10 years ago but is now with a liberal activist group called D C Appleseed.

The media is not reporting that Walter Smith, who is quoted in LA Times and NY Times as building up Roberts as gung-ho on the Colorado case, is closely allied with People for the American Way(Ralph Neas) and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (Wade Henderson)

Note three factual things.
1. These stories are from 1995-1996 and dealt with a PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) case against Pat Robertson and CBN.
2. The main attorney on the case was Walter Smith, Jr. (the same man who was in the LA Times story.)

We will be all ears to hear the truth come out in the nonpartisan Senate hearing. Wouldn't it be a laugh if the PFLAG came out in support of the lawyer that helped them? Cheer for Brutus?
I think not. They came not to praise Judge Roberts; but to bury him. They jest.

"He jests at scars that never felt a wound." --- Shakespeare

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