Monday, October 28, 2013

CBS discovers Benghazi attack

BREAKING NEWS:10/28/2013 CBS 60 Minutes has discovered that there was an attack in Benghazi. Reporting on this and the possible delay of broadcasting follows: More later... rumors of IRS suppression of voters in last election and NSA spying on everyone has caught the White House by surprise also. President Obama didn't know any of this and is shocked. Vows to get to the bottom of this unless they are phony scandals like the "Fast & Furious" rumor. Source

1 comment:

Ty Epling said...

A second term has a way of catching up with a President. What you say can and will be used against you in the court of public opinion. The Benghazi cover up to Obama Care, and all those in between are the kinds of events that have long lasting effects. To have any creditability at all - the Press must report the facts.