Tuesday, February 22, 2005


There's something about a birthday that cheers the heart. February 21 is set aside as President's Day. Indeed: there are three President's that stand out in our celebration; George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan.

Who shall we invite to the Party? What say ye, President Washington?

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."

What do you say about entertainment at the Birthday Party, President Lincoln?

"When you have got an elephant by the hind leg, and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run."

Where do you see America headed on this Birthday Party celebration, President Reagan?

"America's best days are ahead of her," I say,"stay the course!"

There you have it dear readers; from three of America's best loved Presidents, now back to you America.


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