Saturday, July 30, 2005

"A little nonsense..."

A little nonsense now and then
Is relished by the best of men.

I told you I loved old Nursery Rhymes. Chairman of the DNC, Howard Dean got big laughs and lots of applause at the Oxford Hotel as he ribbed President Bush and the three Rs: Republicans, Rove and Rush:

There are more and more CONSERATIVE media types, and typets on the Web everyday. Remember: Little Green Footballs of CBS forged documents? Captain's Quarters, received the 2004 Award for BEST CONSERATIVE BLOG, from Weblog Awards. Then there's Instapundit, and Hugh Hewitt to name a few that present conserative views.

The RNC hosted by chairman Ken Mehlman has a blog on www. for those of you who would like to voice your opinions by logging on. One such blogger is Maddie of Maddie's Musings here on eblogger.

"Republicans, Rove, and Rush" have stopped the liberal's complete control of the media. Republicans have recruited, registered, and rallied, enough "values" Americans to replace LIBERAL Democrats in the White House, Senate, and the House. They Read their LIBERAL press, they Right their LIBERAL points; but they can't stand Republican Rithmetic at the polls. Rush, then Rove have given the American voter the Reasons to vote the rascals out. Roll on R's!!! Vive le President Bush!

1 comment:

Michele said...

:) you are so sweet for mentioning me.