Monday, October 06, 2008

Return of the Native Blogger

Return of the blogger. Sounds a little like Return of The Native. Where does the time go? Several friends have started blogs since my last offering. I have been meaning to contact and support them. My mind says post to tiggernpal, read friend's blogs, and then "other" things pop up.

Other priorities seem to always...always nudge the blogs aside. God - Family - Job; yes that is the proper relationship and the proper order. Oh, there has been time for all three, and I am thankful that the life is balanced. "Balancing The Christian Life" is a priority, not just an excellent book by Charles Caldwell Ryrie

There is always time for tigger n pal. Not the blog, the daily life. It is truly good to be back blogging. I am so looking forward to exercising the mind again. This little light of mine (the lighthouse is to the left), I'm gonna let it shine. Now for our next adventure.
