Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Oh what fun it is to say what you want to say;in a funny way. "To make somebody laugh you've entertained, to make them smile, you've made a friend." That is the hope of this Blog.

Something old and something new, always something good for you.Be it from the BLOGGER, the BOOKSTORE, or from the KITCHEN - It's PALATABLE. Good family, friends, and feast.

One of my treasured Christmas gifts is "I Never Promised You an Apple Orchard" The Collected Writings of Snoopy, by Charles M. Schultz, 1976. I laughed, I cried, I nearly died.

As an aspiring writer, I see the magic of being inside and outside, empathizing and criticizing. Schultz is a ledgend. I love reading. Not just for fun; but for meditation. So much for the old.

Another author has become a ledgend in her own time. She has captured the young, and the young at heart. Many people had departed from reading. J.K. Rowling has brought them back.
There is a newHarry Potter. You can pre-order and save now. It is the 6th in the series.

For the DVD fans, there is a RED HOT DVD SALE, going on now. Red Hot DVD sale, type it in with a grin - click Go. BLOGGING is amazeing. Watching something old, or reading something new - take time between Christmas and the New Year to enjoy yourself. Happy New Year.


Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Some sing high, some sing low..... if you've ever sung, I don't know. "Song sung blue..."

Your minds photographer is poised to take the picture,you try to think happy foods, nothing. All you can think is; what and how will I beat last year's party.

A desire; a picture perfect party has been in your mind for weeks. You have something different every year. Something simple; yet memorable - year to year. I need a theme.

You see five friends as they arrive for the annual Christmas party. Everyone dressed up a little. The tree is trimmed and in full view. Perhaps your gang drew names secretly for gifts. A festive mood is in the air ..." Hail, hail the gangs all here," someone sings off key.

Then it hits you like a bolt out of the blue; every year they count, and all say "CHEESE !" This year we will have what we all love CHEESE.

Its Christmas - we'll have a CHEESE & FRUIT TREE. May I help you?

The base of the "TREE" will be a large serving tray. Mine is jade. It has a large flower vase. Perfect; turned upside down, the large foot will be the top flat surface. Alternate a pear, bunch of white grapes, an apple, bunch of red grapes until we peak at the top.

For the base we go wild with CHEESE:

Stuffed Edam * - Sliced fruit cake * Sliced Brie wedges * Grapes * Assorted crackers*
Sliced Sharp Cheddar * Apple * Laughing Cow Swiss * Limburger * Dark bread * Pretzels

Stuffed Edam : one round Edam at room temperature. Cut a five or six point star from heavy paper. Pin star to top of Edam; cut deep around the star outline. Use spoone to remove cheese.
Use electric beater to whip warm cheese with a little light cream to make soft spread. Heap spread high in red cheese shell.

Now for the surprise that you are noted for: Excuse yourself from you guests.
These ingredients are measured and at room temperature.

3/4 pound of Gruyere(groo yar) cheese, cut into julienne strips
1 Tbs all-purpose flour
1 clove garlic - halved
1 1/4 cups cooking sauterne ( + 1/4 cup) separate
* * * * *
Dash fresh ground pepper
Dash nutmeg
3 Tbs cooking sherry
French bread cut in squares with some crust

Toss cheese with flower
Rub vigorously inside open cooker with garlic
Pour in sauterne; warm until bubbles start, stir with wooden fork
Add a handful of cheese, stir constantly, until all melts
Add another handful, stir until all cheese is melted, thin if needed, with little sauterne

Cheese is all melted and bubbling gently, now add sherry and seasonings
Have a cube of bread speared on each long handled fork.

Invite guest in: "Yes - Its fondue ! Let the dipping and swirling begin."
If you have the old Continetal Fondue Cooker - Excellent - if not;(Chafing Dish) buy it here.

T Bone

This Blog "is like a box of chocolates..."

You never know what you'll find on this Blog; I don't, and I think that's just fine. Something old, something new...

"It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas", and some are still looking for presents. On our imaginary cruise, we read some favorite poems, now there's an idea.

"The Poems of Emily Dickinson"(The Poems by Emily Dickison), edited by R.W. Franklin is an absolute treasure for me. Don't get it for me, I have it. This could be the very present you are looking for, for----------.
The Poems are old; or are they, 1,789 poems can come to life for that special someone.

Do you enjoy Shrimp Scampi? Look and Read Blog. Quick & Easy. Another idea......
"The French Laundry"(The French Laundry) by the owner - Thomas Keller, is much more than a cook book.
It is a work of art. This masterpiece is not for the shelf. Put it on the coffee table. For the serious
chef; this is inside one of the top five restaurants in America. This book is worth twice the price.

One more idea for the last minute shopper, and it's later than you think. The top book that has gone to the movies: "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" for a youngster and little older(The Lord of The Rings)
"The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King"

Just when you had given up hope, this site saved you. Click on Amazon here and save .


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

"MERRY CHRISTMAS"... well almost

This just in for my late shopper friends....

There is still time to get almost anything before Christmas ...

Try a good book, a DVD, or even a dutch oven for a lifetime of good food and fellowship.
Need some mouthwatering shrimp; Google has it my friend.

I can see you out there; the joy is in "last minute shopping", here are some items that can't miss, and nobody has to know that it was - well, "last minute."

Would I let you down; noooo. Have a good day.


Saturday, December 04, 2004

"It is more blessed to give..."

Sleigh bells ring, are you listning...

Sights and sounds are all around; deep within, a child smiles. The spirit of giving is awakened in him... "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

He was allowed to purchase one gift, with his own money. It had to be special.A perfect gift for a very special lady.The woman who raised him. Oh how he loved her.

It took two trips up town before a gift was bought. He spent a nickel, all he had. A fortune.

Funny; how memories stay with you. He can't remember a single gift he recieved that year.

Stooped over by the Christmas tree, a twinkle in her eye, she slipped the wrinkled tissue from his gift to her. Her smile turned to laughter when she saw his doubt. Then the most wonderful thing happened. She hugged him so tight. She always smelled like fresh baked bread.

A pink powder puff. Merry Christmas; I love you Mamaw.


Thursday, December 02, 2004

"There is no frigate like a book"

In this poem, by Emily Dickinson, we feel the power of a book or a poem to carry us away from our normal setting. We sense the "prancing poetry"; see the horse and sleigh of her day.

The mind's eye brings distant and different lands to our memory. Yes, there is a glimpse of yesterday's Currier & Ives print. Children dressed like Eskimos. Christmas past.

But what of today? This Christmas I want to -----------, let my imagination fill in the blank. I can see myself on a Caribbean cruise; eyes closed to the bright sun, a gentle sea breeze. Sitting in a deck chair, soaking in the joy of Emily's book of poems.

For you there may be a first mate, or your own little Eskimos in swim suites. But this is your quite time. The re-creation of your soul. Take the time.


Saturday, November 27, 2004

There is no place like home...

"There is no place like home..."

Home for the holidays means catching up on"all the latest." On our last post: we discovered there were at least three gnus in the news. There was Roger, and Dan - then a surprise visit, like a ghost from Christmas past, Gary.

Yes,that Gary, in living color. A TEST pattern. Who gnu?

Christmas present brings personnel changes. A swan song in March, tick, tick, tick, a step down from a line at night across town.... Brother Roger, off the record, said," Gary is the least trusted gnu in America."

Thanksgiving is past: our gloves are hung by the oven with care; with hopes another ham or turkey will soon be there, as you like it. Black Friday is football for some, shopping for others. Something to be thankfull for - for sisters and brothers.

Soon; the immortal words, "God bless us every one!", will warm many a home.


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Friday, November 26, 2004


This is only a test. Gary Gnu Lives.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

"...now for the gnu news"

Remember Gary Gnu? If there were no baaad gnus... that would be good gnus. Major network news is in baaad trouble. There has been a steady decline in viewership, low ratings, and lost revenue.

The networks have one world view - LEFT of LEFT! They have written off ALL other views. Who needs: Independents, libertarians, conserative democrats, liberal republicans? Less People; that starts with P, that rhymes with T, that stands for TROUBLE.

Reporters, so called, do not believe that "they" should stoop to the level of reporting. "Call it as it is", is no longer taught at the "BEST" journalism schools. You have the POWER of the PRESS behind you. You don't report news; you give our view, MAKE NEWS! (Are you listening...Dan?)

The Rathergate investigation is on going because - BLOGGERS have their own FACT CHECKERS. Go BLOGGERS! Has the fourth estate lost its power? Some have; and THEY - not the "ignorant bloggers"in pajamas are to blame. ABCCBSNBC are meeting as we speak.


Thursday, November 18, 2004

"today is the first day of the rest of your life..."

Today; in a classroom full of high school students, I said, "today is the first day of the rest of your life - VOW TO MAKE SOMETHING OF IT!"
The really great thing about it; I'm not their teacher, yet I was able to communicate with them. High school students still have their childhood radar. They know if you are real. They know when you say "I REALLY CARE ABOUT YOU", if you honestly do. I do.
From their text we lifted the title: "The Examined Life." From "The Universe Next Door";by James W.Sire, we listed the seven basic world views, the seven basic questions to examine each world view. Then we found each of our world views.
We presented  the novella, "The Old Man and The Sea", from Hemingway's book and snips of the film of the same name. We laughed and we cried - we communicated.

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Sunday, November 14, 2004

...for whom the bell tolls

CURRENT EVENTS: "...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee".

Therefore, Arafat's death diminishes me, but not by much. I hope there will be a free election in January, and the Palestinians elect leaders that move from hate to peace in their own land.

There has been a free election in America. I hope our leaders will move America forward. The majority of voters in America do not hate President Bush , or Senator Kerry. Angry mobs may attract TV camera crews(while the camera is on), but elections are not won by the candidate with the most haters. Let there be discussion in the Congress, let there be debate - not hate.

The Palestinians have a golden opportunity to secure security for their citizens. Americans have the same opportunity to bring the three branches of our government back into working order.

"Public office is a public trust." Some elected officials seem to have lost sight of this, some judges think it does not apply to them. "A politician looks to the next election, a statesman to the next generation." Now is the time for statesmenship.



CURRENT EVENTS: "...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee" - therefore Arafat's death diminishes me; but not by much - my hope is that Palestinians elect a leader that moves from hate to peace in their own land. T-Bone

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Name:R.T.Epling - Titusville, Florida