Monday, September 10, 2012


Between travels and writing - the going is slow.The experience is interesting. Have neglected this blog. In fact not many have been invited because of that fact. We have been setting up other sites, working with possible publishers, changing old accounts, etc. Our old website had some problems and was taken down. This site is old but steady. We see no reason to change it and hope to post more often and make it user friendly.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Greetings to Blogger and the brand new WEBSITE : : We are hopeful that this new social network will serve us well. We are looking forward to using Blogger and Facebook to communicate with family, friends, and readers. Please visit often and let us know what you think about the site and any improvements that we can make to better serve you. Trans Figuring Ivan is the first of two novels. Research has been completed for the second Ivan, and a new adventure - a murder mystery novel with a setting in Cocoa Village, Florida. We hope to have at least one manuscript ready for publication by Christmas this year. We may go with one or more ebooks this time around. What has been your experience with ebooks? I know some of you have asked me to publish Trans Figuring Ivan as an ebook. has offered to do this since 2009. A family member gave me "How to Publish your own eBook" with a wink and a nod. Do you use kindle? Do you like to blog or post to blogs? Do you enjoy facebook? Do you like to own your book or download from someone like Amazon? WELCOME to OUR WEBSITE! I hope you will visit often. As you can see, we have loads of things to discuss. There is an author's page on for discussion as well. You can Google R.T. Epling and then click on my name for the author's page. Then there is Facebook too. Many of you are friends there. Thank you. C U soon.

Friday, June 08, 2012

New Website Coming Soon

We are in the construction mode with Godaddy. will soon be launched here as well as Trans Figuring Ivan Page and facebook. Please pardon our dust and clutter. BUILDING IN PROGRESS! Thank you for stopping by.

Friday, February 03, 2012


YES I KNOW ITS BEEN A LONG TIME. RESEARCH OF TWO NOVELS TAKES TIME. So much has been going on there is hardly enough time to keep up with everything. I am sure you can relate. See you again soon...I promise. Thanks for contacts from other venues.