The confirmation hearing of John Roberts just got tougher. The confirmation hearing (trial) of John Roberts will no doubt be delayed by the death of his mentor Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
"The death leaves Bush with his second court opening within four months and sets up what's expected to be an even more bruising Senate confirmation battle than that of John Roberts", writes( AP) writer Gina Holland.
The chances of the hearings being "Dignified" has dropped to about nil. Chief Justice Rehnquist was a CONSERVATIVE. The Court was made up of four liberal Democrats, two moderates, and three CONSERVATIVES. The thought of four Conservatives and four liberals is not fair and balanced as liberals count.
A "bruising" confirmation "battle" for two Justices - Oh yeah. One moderate(Judge John Roberts) , and one conservative(to be announced) to replace a moderate O'Conner and a conservative Rehnquist is not acceptable.
Sens. Kennedy and Schumer are calling for delay. They would like to delay until a LIBERAL Democrat President appoints two LIBERAL nominees.