Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"Not Much Traction...

There is a lot of wasted BLAME ink in the Main Stream Media these days. The ANGER, HATE, and BLAME gang have had their say. Hurricane Katrina; they hope will elect more BLAME America first people to office, and bring BIG GOVERNMENT back. It's easy to spot those who are out to make political hay from this Natural disaster. BLAME BUSH elect DEMOCRATS!

If we could just let TV and Movie stars control the vote, that might happen. But the voters are on the ground. They see who is helping and who is whining.( Westley Prudens), The Washington Times, covers the new hope well."The first polls, no surprise, show the libels are not working. A Washington Post-ABC survey found that the president is not seen as the villain the nutcake left is trying to make him out to be. Americans, skeptical as ever, are believing their own eyes." Read the article: "Not Much Traction With The Abuse"

With any natural disaster there is enough BLAME to go around. Every reasonable person will reflect on how they could have done a better job. When you live BELOW sea level on the shore, there is ample reason to fear a hurricane. The first order given was EVACUATE. Many chose , and even now, refuse to EVACUATE the life threatening city of New Orleans.

Those who were responsible for providing transportation for those who called for help will be held accountable. That is a local responsibility. If the City of New Orleans did not have enough transportation it is to call on the County and State. Emergency Management Teams practice this at least once a year in most large cities.

To libel the President for hurricane damage is not gaining much traction. The same thing was tried after 9/11 and the American people saw through that, and they see through this. After every disaster, FEMA is praised by some and criticized by others. This will continue as long as there are people. Some are traumatized, some critics, and others pitch in and help.

Recovering from KatrinaHow you can help: Donate Now.

The following organizations are among the many groups collecting valuable funds to help in the recovery effort:Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund:
:American Red Cross:
:Salvation Army: