Herman Melville was billed as "The Man Who Lived Among Cannibals." Chief Justice William Rehnquist could bear the title, "The Justice Who Lived Among Liberals." He rose through the seniority ranks to become Chief Justice. He was respected by all; but did not agree with many on the liberal drift of the Supreme Court.
He was a man acquainted with the minority. In fact, there were only three conservatives on the Court when he passed last Saturday. Now there are two out of nine. He argued for STATES RIGHTS and limited power in the FEDERAL government. Most high school or college graduates for that matter, do not know that the BILL of RIGHTS was passed to protect STATES from the power of the FEDERAL government. They are not taught that anymore.
December 15, 1791 Virginia ratifies the Bill of Rights, and the amendments become part of the U. S. Constitution. Amendment 10 - "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution(not Congress - not Supreme Court), nor prohibited by it to the states, are RESERVED to the STATES respectively, or to the people."(Emphasis mine). This man, Chief Justice William Rehnquist, worked all his career to this end. A man among men, and respected by his peers. Many, including me, believe that his student, Judge John Roberts, can grow Chief William Renquist's LEGACY.