Sunday, November 21, 2004

" for the gnu news"

Remember Gary Gnu? If there were no baaad gnus... that would be good gnus. Major network news is in baaad trouble. There has been a steady decline in viewership, low ratings, and lost revenue.

The networks have one world view - LEFT of LEFT! They have written off ALL other views. Who needs: Independents, libertarians, conserative democrats, liberal republicans? Less People; that starts with P, that rhymes with T, that stands for TROUBLE.

Reporters, so called, do not believe that "they" should stoop to the level of reporting. "Call it as it is", is no longer taught at the "BEST" journalism schools. You have the POWER of the PRESS behind you. You don't report news; you give our view, MAKE NEWS! (Are you listening...Dan?)

The Rathergate investigation is on going because - BLOGGERS have their own FACT CHECKERS. Go BLOGGERS! Has the fourth estate lost its power? Some have; and THEY - not the "ignorant bloggers"in pajamas are to blame. ABCCBSNBC are meeting as we speak.


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