Thursday, November 18, 2004

"today is the first day of the rest of your life..."

Today; in a classroom full of high school students, I said, "today is the first day of the rest of your life - VOW TO MAKE SOMETHING OF IT!"
The really great thing about it; I'm not their teacher, yet I was able to communicate with them. High school students still have their childhood radar. They know if you are real. They know when you say "I REALLY CARE ABOUT YOU", if you honestly do. I do.
From their text we lifted the title: "The Examined Life." From "The Universe Next Door";by James W.Sire, we listed the seven basic world views, the seven basic questions to examine each world view. Then we found each of our world views.
We presented  the novella, "The Old Man and The Sea", from Hemingway's book and snips of the film of the same name. We laughed and we cried - we communicated.

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