Thursday, March 17, 2005

"Some books are to be tasted..."

Some have tasted Bacon: some swallowed; and some few have chewed and digested.

Build your own Library. .

I lost several books in two separate floods some years back. Fortunately, Amazon has most of them. You can replace or add books to your personal library... new or used.

I know this is a large link; but I'm excited about adding to my library, and I think you might find your books here too. Some would rather READ than eat... I can't go that far. I am a voracious reader, and I know that many of you are as well. We will return to text links for Books and Bacon next time.

Who's to say we can't read while we eat. Enjoy the Best of Both Worlds.


1 comment:

Michele said...

clicked on your amazon ad! LOL, yep getting ready to order Klein's book!