Saturday, April 30, 2005


I don't want to play in your yard,
I don't like you anymore;
You'll be sorry when you see me
Sliding down our cellar door;

You can't holler down our rain-bar'l,
You can't climb our apple-tree,
I don't want to play in your yard
If you won't be good to me. - Philip Wingate (1894)

Children across the street, are much like "children" across the way, say in the U. S. Senate. One side has lost the "yard" to the other side. In fact, most of the yard belongs to the conserative side.

The losing side has demanded the "rules of the game" be changed. "If you don't let us have liberal judges, we will end the game." In other words, " we'll take our "Vote" and go home.

The captain of the conserative team has been elected, and then re-elected by the neighborhood, but the liberal team demands - "Minority Rule!"

The neighborhood remembers when, not so long ago, the liberal majority demanded - Majority Rule!" The courts are full of liberal judges. Many are not content to judge, but insist on legislating from their bench.

The neighborhood is better informed now, thanks TO THE BLOGGS. If those who don't want to play, according to the best interest of the neighborhood,and really don't want to be in the Senate; maybe they should quit and go home.


1 comment:

Michele said...

I like true, and so well written. Love the analogy!