Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"Why is it that we rejoice at a birth...

"Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? Is it because we are not the person concerned?" --- Mark Twain.

We have just rejoiced at America's 228th birthday. At the time of her birth most nations predicted that democracy could not endure. The European countries were wrong. America has become a great nation "under God" and a lighthouse on a hill. A beacon of hope for the oppressed and a threat to tyrants.

We are led by a President born on the 6th day of July. Happy birthday Mr. President. Many have criticized President George W. Bush. The European countries predicted, with some Americans, that his administration could not endure. They were wrong. In his second admistration now, many of his campaign promises have been accomplished. He continues to work to move America and her allies forward. All this while leading a fight against those who desire to KILL AMERICANS in the name of their god.

We rejoice at the birth of our Republic , and at the birth of our President. God bless America and God bless President George W. Bush. We are concerned citizens on this July 6, 2005.


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