Saturday, October 22, 2005

"The power of the President...

It might be a little early but the "next disaster", hurricane Wilma, may be in my state of Florida. I want to thank President Bush for reducing her from a class 5 to a 2 or 1 class by the time it reaches his brother. Governor Bush and the rest of us are ready. We've been through this several times so it's hard to blame the President for favoritism. Maybe there is some sibling rivalry. But he did keep the hurricane stronger when it hit some who chose to live below sea level, and were not related by blood.

FEMA came by my place after we had four hurricanes in six weeks. I had a large pine limb through my livingroom roof and water damage. I told them to help those who had lost everything. They sent be a copy of their report. "No SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE" - and no check came. I was pleased. My nearby neighbor had no damage but received a LARGE check. She also was well pleased.

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