Thursday, October 06, 2005

President on war...

The New York Times carries the President's( transcript). "I'm honored once again to be with the supporters of the National Endowment for Democracy.

Since the day President Ronald Reagan set out the vision for this endowment, the world has seen the swiftest advance of democratic institutions in history. And Americans are proud to have played our role in this great story."

Thus began the speech of WHY we are in a Global War, WHERE Iraq is the center, WHAT has happened, and is happening , and How our President believes that it will end. It is truly a great speech. It will be attacked by the MSM as - STILL NO DATE FOR WITHDRAWAL!!! ETC.

On another front,(BBC) Press Office, reports "President George W. Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals." In yesterday's post, we stated that no one doubted that President George W. Bush was a REAL born-again Christian. Real Christians know that God answers prayer, and directs His children through the Bible. He went on to say, ... by God's help he would do just that. We will wait and see what the unbelieving MSM will do with that.

White House denies Bush claimed divine inspiration. It makes for a good made for TV story draw though. The born-again Christian world view (Theism) will be on trial in the Senate confirmation hearings as well. Ms. Meirs is a committed active evangelical Christian.

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