Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"Never give in..."

Say what you will, the truth will eventually surface, and then all will see who really want to see. Rally Round the (White) Flag, Boys!Democrats finally find an Iraq policy they can get behind by Edward Morrissey in The Daily Standard has some insight, and outright truth.

" AFTER THE MURTHA COMMENTS, the GOP challenged the Democrats to go on record with a Congressional vote for retreat. Almost the entire Democratic caucus cut and ran from their embrace of the cut-and-run strategy--the House voted against the non-binding resolution for immediate withdrawal 403 to 3. The height of Democratic pusillanimity came when GOP Rep. Sam Johnson, a former Vietnam POW, asked for three extra minutes to complete his remarks. Several Democrats voiced objection. The speaker demanded that the members objecting identify themselves--and none would even stand for their own objection."

Charles Krauthammer's real assessment of "The Truth about Torture" in the Dec. 5 issue of The weekly Standard is worth reading. He gives three kinds of war PRISONERS:

First, the ordinary soldier caught on the field of battle. "There is no question that he is entitled to humane treatment."

Second, there is the captured terrorist. He is an unlawful combatant. "Breaking the laws of war and abusing civilians are what, to understate the matter vastly, terrorists do for a living. THEY ARE ENTITLED, THEREFORE, TO NOTHING.

Third, there is the terrorist with information. "Here the issue of torture gets complicated..." Case in point - A terrorist. lets say, has planted a dirty bomb somewhere in New York City. It will go off in one hour. Our terrorist knows where the bomb is; but he is not talking.
Question: "If you have the slightest belief that ( water boarding or other torture) will get you the information to save a million lives, should you be permitted to do it?"

Krauthammer maintains that there are two exceptions to the so called McCain " No Torture" law. First is the "ticking time bomb" and the second is the "slow-fuse high-value terrorist."

Other writers in Newsweek and the National Journal make the same exception.
Dr. Dean's message to the terrorists is that he has thrown in the towel and raised the white flag of surrender. To the terrorist, I say and I will" Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." Winston Churchill.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Now for the Gnu News...

There is good news about our economy. Economists had forecast GDP would advance at a 3.6% rate in the July-to-September quarter. The economy has now expanded faster than 3% for 10 straight quarters.3.8% growth in spite of hurricanes is excellent. Think what it might have been. The tax cuts have stimulated the economy.

President Bush's nomination of a highly qualified replacement for Alan Greenspan as Federal Reserve Chairman is expected to pass Senate confirmation easily. This is great news. Economist Ben Bernanke is expected to follow Greenspan's guidance. Mister Greenspan is seventy-nine years old. "He has won praise for his guidance of the world's largest economy." See the story by (Mario Ritter) for details.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


Charles Hurt covers the story of the Harriet Miers nomination withdrawal in the (Washington Times) today.

Is there still faith in the advise and consent? Does the President and his staff listen? These are questions that can be answered - Yes! We the people do still matter. We thank Harriet Miers for withdrawing her name and we thank President Bush for accepting her withdrawal. She may yet serve as an ambassador or other high government post. She is a well qualified person.

Many Conservatives including this blogger called for the withdrawal and we are pleased. We resoundingly disagree with Sen. Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat that the nominee MUST be in the mold of Sandra Day O'Connor to unite the country. He knows, as does the entire world, that President Bush said he would appoint a nominee in the mold of Scalia or Thomas.

We are asking the President to nominate a highly qualified person with a clear record of Conservative judicial thinking. The person does not have to meet a test as unifier, female, black, Hispanic or any other label to serve on the Supreme Court. The person does have to be a CONSERVATIVE in the mold of Scalia and Thomas. That and that alone will satisfy.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

"So many questions...

Phyllis Schlafly of (Eagleforum) has some questions, and they are the same questions that many other Conservative supporters of President Bush have.

You said, "Trust me." But why should we trust you when experience proves we could not trust the judgment of President Reagan (who gave us Justices O'Connor and Kennedy) or President George H.W. Bush (who gave us Justice Souter)? Are you more trustworthy than Reagan or your father?" I guess this one is the hardest question for me.

Why would you ask me to trust you when your nominee is not known to be in the mold of Anthony Scalea and Clarence Thomas.? These have been accused of being far RIGHT. Two more far right judges would give the Court a chance to stop far LEFT legislation from the bench. This is the ONLY chance we have. From what we have seen Roberts and Meirs are not far RIGHT. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is far LEFT - an ACLU lawyer.

Would it be out of the question to nominate a person that was known to be as far RIGHT as Ginsburg is LEFT? It is not out of the question, it is expected. It was a big part of the 2004 campaign; you would be able to appoint two or more Conservative Supreme Court Judges.

Why would you ask me to trust you with an unknown when there are plenty of known Conservative Scaleas and Thomas' who are on record as Conservative? They have fought the good fight and kept the faith. You have a right to nominate anyone you want. But we have a right to question your judgment on this most important nomination and we do.

"The power of the President...

It might be a little early but the "next disaster", hurricane Wilma, may be in my state of Florida. I want to thank President Bush for reducing her from a class 5 to a 2 or 1 class by the time it reaches his brother. Governor Bush and the rest of us are ready. We've been through this several times so it's hard to blame the President for favoritism. Maybe there is some sibling rivalry. But he did keep the hurricane stronger when it hit some who chose to live below sea level, and were not related by blood.

FEMA came by my place after we had four hurricanes in six weeks. I had a large pine limb through my livingroom roof and water damage. I told them to help those who had lost everything. They sent be a copy of their report. "No SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE" - and no check came. I was pleased. My nearby neighbor had no damage but received a LARGE check. She also was well pleased.

Friday, October 21, 2005

" I Spy...

Work continues at "The Company" as those entrenched continue to resist change. Is there a need for change at the CIA after 9/11/01? The failed political policies of the Agency to undermine the 2004 election, ( Wilson & blame - WMD), and retain the job of those who failed with WMD briefs became more important than National Security.

Clearly there was internal confusion in the CIA on their Iraq-Niger intelligence. But the National Intelligence Estimates states that as early as 2001 "...Niger planned to send several tons(500) of 'pure uranium' (probably yellowcake) to Iraq... , this was cleared by the CIA for the Presidents speech. That is enough for ten bombs.

Now comes the TWIST and the MSM's cry "Where are the WMD"? Is this POLITICAL, you bet. Plant two estimates, later to be called CONFUSION, and condemn the President with either - "there is NO evidence or there IS evidence for Iraq having capability of WMD."

Today David Ignatius ( discusses the "Danger Point In Spy Reform." Ignatius speaks of the " incomplete effort to restructure the intelligence community." It is human nature to resist change. It is more so if you are a D.C. bureaucrat.

He concludes with"The half-baked intelligence reorganization should go back in the oven. Negroponte, supported by President Bush, must finish the process -- and consolidate this overlayered bureaucracy. Getting intelligence right is a life-or-death matter for America, and, so far, it's only partly right."

I wholeheartly agree that the process started by President Bush MUST be finished. I disagree with the tone of the article that this "Spy Reform" is being botched by President Bush's Republican Porter Goss as director of the CIA. The ones sent to bring about REFORM, call the"Gosslings" at Langley by the LIBERALS is a sign of their hatred of this President. That's POLITICAL.

Bill Gertz in his book, "Breakdown" has it right. There is enough blame to go around in both Democrat and Republican Administrations. The intelligence failures that led to September 11, 2001 was a "life-or-death matter for America." That was and is bigger than "MY JOB" at the CIA or "HOW CAN I GET POLITICAL ADVANTAGE FROM THIS TRAGEDY."

Monday, October 17, 2005

"American conservatism...

Today in the WSJ Rush Limbaugh makes the conservative point. We conservatives know what we believe and we hold our elected officials accountable. Whether its President, Senator, or Congressman we will let them know that we do not support any who go against our stated beliefs. Contrary to Liberal Democrats and their MSM spokesmen who see this inside accountability as a split in the Conservative Party we see it as healthy.

Conservatism and Liberalism are at odds with each other. The last two election cycles have gone Conservative. That could change if the two change or if one begins to merge into the other. Conservative Republicans have worked long and hard to obtain a majority in the two houses and the White House.

The Supreme Court, unlike the elected officials, does not allow itself to be elected. The founding fathers saw this as a good thing. It allows the individual judge to make decisions based on the constitution without the pressure of special interest groups and their money. The Supreme Court has legislated from the bench and it is time for it to stop. Now is the time to make that clear. A Conservative President is expected to nominate and a majority of Conservative Senators are expected to confirm a Conservative Supreme Court nominee.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

"ABC does it right...

BRAVO ABC - yes you heard it right. Today, ABC News is breaking a disturbing report, the result of a four-month investigation, regarding the safety of nuclear reactors on university campuses across the country. Many were not guarded or even protected. That is GOOD reporting.

Tonight on Primetime at 10:00 pm ET. ABC News shared its findings with officials before going public so that these security lapses could be addressed before they were widely known. Now that is responsible journalism. We could use a great deal more of that.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

President on war...

The New York Times carries the President's( transcript). "I'm honored once again to be with the supporters of the National Endowment for Democracy.

Since the day President Ronald Reagan set out the vision for this endowment, the world has seen the swiftest advance of democratic institutions in history. And Americans are proud to have played our role in this great story."

Thus began the speech of WHY we are in a Global War, WHERE Iraq is the center, WHAT has happened, and is happening , and How our President believes that it will end. It is truly a great speech. It will be attacked by the MSM as - STILL NO DATE FOR WITHDRAWAL!!! ETC.

On another front,(BBC) Press Office, reports "President George W. Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals." In yesterday's post, we stated that no one doubted that President George W. Bush was a REAL born-again Christian. Real Christians know that God answers prayer, and directs His children through the Bible. He went on to say, ... by God's help he would do just that. We will wait and see what the unbelieving MSM will do with that.

White House denies Bush claimed divine inspiration. It makes for a good made for TV story draw though. The born-again Christian world view (Theism) will be on trial in the Senate confirmation hearings as well. Ms. Meirs is a committed active evangelical Christian.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Real George W. Bush...

One thing that is being overlooked in the comments I see, is that the Republican Party knew that Governor Bush was not a Right-Wing Conservative when we nominated him for President in 2000. There were no ultra- conservatives that were electable way back then.

He had a record of working with Democrats in Texas. George W. Bush was the best candidate the Republican Party had that could be elected to the Presidency. No one questions that he is a Christian, that he is a Conservative, that he is REAL. There are Liberal Republicans, Moderate Republicans, and Conservative Republicans, and some in-between. For most of us Conservative, grassroots activists, our President is a Moderate. He has nominated two Moderate Republicans to the Supreme Court. He believes that they are the best people for the Supreme Court.

I was in the 60% group that was disappointed with the Harriet Meirs appointment. I predicted the President would nominate her, and I predicted that she would receive bipartisan support. I like so many that worked to get a Republican majority in our government wanted a creditable, with credentials Conservative nominee. Harriet Meirs is not that person.

I predict that there will be another round of posturing and protesting. The Republicans will join together to vote up or down this nominee. Its tough; because we don't know her. The President is REAL, only time will tell if Ms. Meirs is a REAL Conservative who stands for our values.

Monday, October 03, 2005

"Its morning in America..."

"It is morning in America" at least in the highest Court. Chief Justice John Rogers started his new job right on time. The Roberts Court, as it is now called is off and running with cases on labor and fuel taxes. We wish the Roberts Court well. The President nominated well, the Senate confirmed well, and we look forward to Chief Justice John Roberts serving well.

Harriet Miers was nominated to replace Sandra Day O'Connor for several reasons. The days following will bring out the research done by and for this nominee. Three reasons are evident from the git go:BALANCE - woman replacing a woman - voice for those who have not been a judge(bipartisan request) - Moderately Conservative. QUALIFIED - meets all the requirements to be Supreme Court Judge. Some of the best Supremes were not judges. FULFILLS CAMPAIGN PROMISE - President Bush promised to appoint Supreme Court nominees that shared the beliefs of the Conservative base.

There are those who will be against Harriet Miers from the Right, Left, and Against ANY Bush nominee. I predicted John Rogers and I predicted Harriet Miers. I predict there will also be bipartisan support in the Senate for Harriet Miers.

President Bush is not as Conservative as most of his base, and he is far to conservative for most of the Liberal Democrats in Congress. I am sure, in his mind, he is satisfied that he has nominated those who have fulfilled his campaign promises. More so, he believes that Rogers, and now Miers are the BEST people for the Supreme Court in America.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Showdowns in the news...


"The European Union insisted Friday that governments and the private sector must share the responsibility of overseeing the Internet, setting the stage for a showdown with the United States on the future of Internet governance." SHOWDOWN is the key word here.

Al Gore did not invent the Internet. The EU didn't invent the Internet, and the U N didn't either; yet all three have insisted that they have credit and some control of the Internet. Why is it that those who did not do the research, spend the money, or take the chances DEMAND their rights to take credit and have control. There has even been a call for the United(read un) Nations to TAKE OVER controll.

The UNITED STATES created the Internet! It started as a Pentagon project and its early development was paid for by taxpayers in the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. The U.S. Commerce Department retains veto power, and that is where it belongs.

There was no SHOWDOWN with the Senate confirmation of Chief Justice John Roberts. No "nuclear option" was needed, just an honest, dignified, up or down vote. Each Senator stood to cast their vote, which was a nice touch.

Judith Miller is OUTED. The big SHOWDOWN with the NYT journalist and the White House turns out to be a Big Show. "Is it in their interests to turn Miller into a martyr?" Dan Froomklin, Washington Post columnist asks us. My answer has always been YES. Big Show - No Go.

President Bush will have a SHOWDOWN this week in three areas, according to Steve Holland, Reuters(search) . He will focus on" hurricane recovery, Iraq and energy." We could add that another Supreme Court nominee may be announced.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

"Securing our borders...

Civilian monitors on both borders
By Jerry SeperTHE WASHINGTON TIMES October 1, 2005 immigration reform.

"We've written letters, sent faxes and e-mails, made countless calls and held town hall meetings about what is not just a public safety issue but a national security concern," Mr. Simcox said, describing his group's message to the government. "But we're done waiting for the government to do the job of securing our borders."

We have been waiting for the government to bring forth a solution to our growing illegal immigration problem. The bills working slowly through Congress are not acceptable to either side of the political spectrum. The Minutemen have been criticized; yet they have been effective. They have not caused any problem for law enforcement.

President Bush has denounced the volunteers as vigilantes. We take exception with the President at this point. The Minutemen have not assumed the authority of the law; but have assisted the law by reporting illegals to them.

It is past time for the government to secure our borders with trained people. We are at war. We salute the Minutemen for standing in the gap while our government comes to realize that we the people want secure borders.

We did not get millions of illegal aliens since 2000, nor were we at war when President Bush took office. He inherited both circumstances. We are not blaming him, we are asking him and Congress to secure our borders now. It is not asking to much for our government to stop illegal activity. We know it can be done, the Minutemen are providing the numbers. Rather than criticize them, lets replace them with trained agents.

Jerry Kilgore, Republican for Governor of Virginia, " opposes the use of taxpayer money to support and encourage illegal behavior. Kilgore opposes the awarding of government contracts, tax credits or other taxpayer-provided support for companies that hire illegal aliens."

Arnold Schwartzenegger, Republican Governor of California, "The governor stressed the Minutemen organization should be held to high standards." He went on to say that the Minutemen are there to report the illegals that the border patrol misses.

Friday, September 30, 2005

"To be, or not to be...

To federalize, or not to federalize is the question. Governor Jeb Bush, "I am proud of the way Florida has responded to hurricanes during the past year. Before Congress considers a larger, direct federal role, it needs to hold communities and states accountable for properly preparing for the inevitable storms to come."

He goes on to say in the Washington Post today, "As the governor of a state that has been hit by seven hurricanes and two tropical storms in the past 13 months, I can say with certainty that federalizing emergency response to catastrophic events would be a disaster as bad as Hurricane Katrina."As a Florida resident who experienced these hurricanes and storms, I can testify to the need for first responders, and the work that they do after the federal people leave. These disasters have not divided us, they have drawn us closer together. We pitched in and helped each other. If Donna Brazile, from Al Gore days, can say,"Mr. President, I am ready for duty... then the rest of the Democrat party can, and should also.

The up or down vote, and the confirmation of Chief Justice John Roberts, was as it should be. We are pleased. That was the way the people's business was done in the not too distant past. A Liberal President nominated a Liberal person, and the Senate confirmed that person; because the voters had elected a Liberal President.

The voters elected a Christian Conservative as President, and then the voters re-elected President Bush. He is expected to nominate Conservative people to open judgeships. If President Bush nominates the most conservative person in America, and the Senate confirms that person, the Court will still tilt Left.

There would be three Conservatives, one Moderate, and FIVE Liberals. Sen. Arlen Specter has called upon President Bush to nominate a person to keep the Court "evenly divided." He means by that a MODERATE like himself. Conservatives are calling for a CONSERVATIVE to keep the Court close to balanced. Liberals are DEMANDING that a CONSERVATIVE President nominate a LIBERAL. To their way of thinking a Six to Two, and one Moderate would be "evenly divided." Will the Court be even, or uneven? That is the question. "To be, or not to be...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

"They lied...

Who knew? Did the group know that Fenton Communications was advertising twisted quotes? says THEY KNEW!

Those who are attacked in this advertisement said what they had been told by the CIA. The CIA got it wrong; but that does not make those who reported their findings liars. All of the White House staff and members of Congress were briefed by the CIA, and ALL received the SAME wrong information.

The White House and the Congress did not know that the information was wrong. They did not "LIE" when they acted on the FALSE information. They did not knowingly pass on falsehoods; but the and associated groups DID - They have LIED.

The anti-war groups are the same old group with the same old false accusations we saw in the Vietnam war. The leaders used the attack American and defend the Communists then also. For those who seek the truth, read the full quotes and you will find "they look a bit different when read in full context."

Thursday should give us a Chief Justice for the U S Supreme Court. The President is said to be ready to announce his nominee to replace Judge O'Connor. We look forward to President Bush's nominee. He said he would name future justices in the mold of Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. President Bush is a man of his word.

Harriet Miers has been searching for the person that meets those qualifications. Harriet Miers could be that person according to this AP article. As the Court now stands, whoever fills this spot will have the "swing" vote on upcoming crucial Court rulings. Our prayers are with the President as he makes this choice.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

"Drastic times call for...

Surely, surely we can pull together this time. Rita and Katrina have done their work, now lets join together and do our work. Everyone needs to give.

The public outpouring has been simply amazing. Business has made huge donations. The President has asked for and the Congress has approved billions for relief and recovery. The economy is growing at 4% in spite of our war and weather. Now, how to pay for them?

Billions of tax dollars are flowing into Washington due to President Bush's TAX cut. That needs to stay; but more "pork" has to be cut. We must go back and cut bills. There are a lot of nice things that aren't necessary. These are well known to the President, and to Congress, and to me, John Q. Citizen. "Drastic times call for drastic measures."

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"And now for my next nominee...

Flight or Fight, that is the question. Could the White House and the Congress enjoy a majority without the conservatives? How many liberals worked for them?Is there any moderate nominee that Sen. Kerry would vote for?

If the President were to nominate a conservative that would fight the liberal Senators for conservative issues, would that set a terrible precedent?These are some questions that are circulating around the conservative base. Just how hard are the liberals working to bring this nation together? President Bush's favorite Judges are Scalia and Thomas; nominate a Janice Rogers Brown. Mr. President, look her square in the eye, and say, "GO GET EM Judge Brown."

In these times one must stand up for what is right, and not what is politically correct. We are fighting a GLOBAL war against terrorism, we are fighting an ENERGY war against democracies, we are fighting a POLITICAL war against those who would turn Natural disasters into political gain. Mr. President I know some are advising you to nominate a person that will keep the Court "evenly divided." When Chief Justice Rehnquist was the "lone ranger", the ONLY conservative, then EVEN didn't matter. Eight to one was not even, and FIVE to FOUR is not EVEN. FIGHT!

"This is the stuff...

"As the waters clear"by The Washington Times reporter, Michael Barone takes a look at New Orleans after the hurricane, and after the BLAME GAME.

Will the press learn anything from their biased reports? Probably not. IF they were going to clean up their act, they would have done it by now. Will we the readers and watchers learn to take their reporting with a grain of salt? I believe that is what a lot of us have done.

"Lower taxes and less bureaucracy," these are TWO keys to a CONSERVATIVE recovery response that calls on the business community to get involved. This is the HAND UP rather than the RAISE TAXES and give HAND OUTS approach of left wing Democrats.

An( OP/ED) piece in the Los Angeles Times calls for OVERWHELMING Senate confirmation of Judge John Roberts. It will indeed be "a damning indictment of petty partisanship if" , and that is the big word - IF there is not an "overwhelming" majority Senate confirmation of the moderate Judge John Roberts. IF the Democrats have nightmares about voting for a MODERATE to replace a CONSERVATIVE, then it is easy to see the drift LEFT in liberal dreams.

"I for one have woken up in the middle of the night thinking about it, being unsure how to vote," said Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.). The terror of self-serving politics can bring nightmares according to the senior Sen. from N.Y. The real fight, IF there is one, will be the nominee that is to replace the moderate O'Connor. "This is the stuff dreams are made of...".

Monday, September 19, 2005

"Man is a political...

I believe the confirmation of Roberts will show the hand of those who have more politics on their mind than justice. "Man is a political animal."---Aristotle.

Robert Novak's , (Chuck Schumer's Defeat) "Schumer was good; Roberts was better" - we could say Schumer is a POLITICAL lawyer, while Roberts is a LEGAL lawyer. Schumer brought his politics to the hearing, while Roberts brought the CONSTITUTION to the hearing.

Robert Novak makes two very good points.FIRST: Because the President chose a nominee that is near perfect for the Chief Justice position; and in light of the committee Dems. voice against Judge Roberts, the President is free to choose anyone, because the Dems. are going to vote against ANY nominee. Second: The Court may be back on its way to judging each case based on merit, and how it stacks up against the Constitution.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

"La propriete, c'est le vol...

"Property is theft"---- P.J.Proudhon.

Eminent Domain: the Kelo decision by the Supreme Court, which expanded the power of local governments to seize private property for economic development under the guise of "eminent domain" has started with the New London Development Corporation. The Corp. has started eviction procedures against homeowners. (search).

Governor Jodi Rell(Rep.) and state House Minority Leader Robert Ward(Rep.) are calling for a special session of the legislature to pass a moratorium to stop property seizure. To protect the rights of individuals, Congress should exercise their power to challenge Supreme Court rulings.

Judge John Roberts said as much this week. "Congress should challenge the Supreme Court."

Some property is returning to normal in New Orleans. The Mayor has accepted his responsibility as did President Bush.

"I'm going to be a man about this. Whatever I did, whatever I could have done better, I'm going to stand up and history will judge me accordingly," Nagin said. (The Manganos: Nursing Home Owners Charged in Louisiana, well.... that's another story.)

About his evacuated residents, the Mayors sense of humor has returned:

"I know New Orleanians. Once the beignets start cooking up again and the gumbo is in the pots and red beans and rice are served on Monday - in New Orleans, and not where they are - they're going to be back," Nagin said. Hey! This guy can't be all bad.

Mayor C. Ray Nagin said," dry areas of the hurricane-ravaged city -- including the French Quarter, Uptown and the Central Business District -- could be officially opened from dawn to dusk as soon as Monday...".( Adam Nossiter), The Washington Times, New Orleans' port, airport now reopened.

The French Quarter has always been a little to dangerous for me; but I must admit there is a woman there that cooks the best "feely gumbo" and "dirty Rice" you ever tasted.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"Few of the BEST...

A few of the best statements concerning the qualifications of Judge John Roberts have been made. It will be difficult to keep the focus on the Supreme Court and its need of a Chief Justice.

By one count, Senator Chuck Schumer(Dem. NY) referred to I, Me, Myself, thirty Seven(37) times in his allotted ten minute opening remarks. The two senior Democrats on the committee, Senator Patrick Leahy(Dem. Vermont) and Senator Ted Kennedy(Dem. MA) have tied the questioning to hurricane Katrina. The BEST statement was by Sen. John Warner (Rep.Va).He said."... Roberts has the strongest qualifications of any of the more than 2,000 judicial nominees he has seen in 27 years in the Senate."

According to( Reuters), BUSH: "I take responsibility." Fifty-four percent of Americans disapprove of Bush's handling of the response, but 57 percent say state and local officials should bear responsibility for the problems, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC poll."

The old adage of President Harry Truman,"The Buck Stops Here" is still in force. The President is responsible for all that occurs on his watch. "Are we capable of dealing with a severe attack or another severe storm?", the President said that we will find out what went on , and how we can "better respond" to these events.

President Bush is being asked to appoint a person to oversee the relief and recovery work. Retired Gen. Tommy Franks and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani are being considered.

President George Bush, Judge John Roberts, Gen. Tommy Franks, and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani are among "a few of the BEST men in our country.

Monday, September 12, 2005

"Fact Finding or Fault finding...

The reports are in, and the MSM has some explaining to do. The Democrat Party has some explaining to do as well. First Lady Laura Bush said the film showed over and over and over did not show the situation as she saw it on the ground.

There "may" have been some exaggeration on the 10, 000 dead estimate. There "may" have been a premature judgment on the "slow" response of President Bush. The headlines and videos of the last two weeks are there for ALL to see.

Let's give credit, where credit is warranted, and hold blame until the facts are established. There will plenty of time to find and correct what could have been done better. We are still in a relief and recovery mode.

President Bush has called for a FACT finding committee, the Democrat Party, lead by Senator Hillary Clinton (Dem. NY) has called for a FAULT finding committee. Was there a rush to judgment before the facts were available? The answer is a resounding - YES!

Today begins the hearing for confirmation of Judge John Roberts for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of America. The American people need to have a recommendation after a thorough hearing.

Today The New York Times says that the Senators will be judged in the way they judge Judge Roberts. If the Senators stick with FACT finding, and abstain from FAULT finding the hearing will go well. America's attention is on the relief and recovery from the Natural disaster caused by hurricane Katrina. There is little support for political posturing. Will the Senate committee take four days, and will they restrain themselves? Answer... TBA.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

"The (dates) that will live in infamy...

On the anniversary of SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 - Like the surprise attack of an enemy on Pearl Harbor, DECEMBER 7, 1941, we will remember the dates as times that will live in infamy.

The war begun in 1941 has ended, and Japan has become friends with America. The war begun on SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 has just begun, and al Qaeda will NEVER be friends with America.

The "American" al Qaeda has sent a message that threatens Los Angeles and Melbourne. Al Qaeda DEMANDS complete surrender to their terrorism type of government. (ABC - Brian Ross, Sept. 11, 2005). This is Sunday, September 11, 2005 - America has not forgotten the innocent that were slaughtered - America has not forgotten the men and women who are fighting for our freedom here and around the WORLD.

Friday, September 09, 2005

"If you're in trouble...

John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, "If you're ever in trouble,... go to the poor people." The people in the devestation of hurricane Katrina are in trouble. We have supervision there, and we are grateful, but the poor( humble - everyday people) like good neighbors are there. There in the surrounding states; families are being taken in, Churches are open, and the good side of humanity is evident. These are people helping people. They are not looking for fame.

Interesting how some who see a house on fire rush to help, others wring their hands and look for fault, while yet others pitch wood on the fire. The two approaches to recovery and relief stand out in the character of the these two people. One would postpone judgment until relief of the suffering has been completed, Rudy Giuliani (R) N.Y. is helping. One would hinder the relief by demanding the decision makers stop to pay attention to them. Move comes to mind, and the REAL Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) N.Y. has surfaced.

Dan Blatz,( Washington Post ), writes that Sen. Clinton has joined "the raging debate over what happened after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the Gulf Coast." It has provided Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) an opportunity to emerge as a national spokeswoman for the Democratic Party, stirring Republican criticism that she and other Democrats are seeking political gain at a moment of national crisis." She did a similar thing after 9/11 and, and like Kayne West got booed.

She had distanced herself from the extreme liberal left of chairman Dean, and Nancy Pelosie (Dem. CA), House minority leader. She has joined them and made herself a target. Is she in trouble, probably not; but she has undone a lot of hard work pretending to move right.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

"To confirm, or not to confirm...things & more things

Things just keep happening to the Democrat strategy. And its not their fault, it's just ... things.

George Soros spent $27 million to buy himself a U. S. President. That's a lot of things. John Kerry said,"I can't believe... I'm losing to that idiot." George Soros said, I can't believe I'm losing $27 million. Then after Kerry lost by more votes than anyone in recorded history, Sen. Reid (Dem. NV) Minority leader said, the big winner was a "loser". It get funnier.

John Kerry was depending on Catholic votes. He voted for everything Catholics are against; but near the end he said,"I was an alter boy." Thing is... Catholics didn't buy it.

Then along comes this big expose' that Carl Rove has outed a covert CIA agent. Democrats called for his immediate firing. The thing is... Rove didn't do it. Another one of those things, like the bogus CBS documents. Thing is... Bush didn't do it.

One of the big things that motivated the Democrats in 2004 was to STOP Bush from being elected, because the next President would appoint one or more Supreme Court judges. There are NINE judges. Four are LIBERAL Democrats, Two are Moderates, Three are Republican conservatives when President Bush is elected in 2004.

Judge O'Connor who votes conservative sometimes and liberal other times decides to retire.
The Democrats DEMAND that President Bush replace her with a MODERATE. The Senate has NEVER done that before,... The President appoints and the Senate confirms or denies. It's in the U.S.Constitution..., just another one of those sticky things.

Notice TWO things about the NEW BALANCE on the COURT that is DEMANDED. First thing is President Bush picks an outstanding MODERATE to replace the MODERATE O'Connor.
Second thing, CONSERATIVE judge William Rehnquist dies and President Bush appoints a MODERATE judge John Roberts to replace him.

This should please the Democrats. A MODERATE replaces a CONSERVATIVE. But this is the comments from two leading Democrats, after NARAL and other big money libs raved, John Roberts would... impede the progress of an equal nation.

"I'm not gonna stand by and just let this happen," fired Sen. Kennedy. "Subjugating women to a roll in the kitchen, being barefoot and pregnant that is, is a crime upon nature. With Roberts being a Catholic, that's exactly what will happen."

Now Wait a NY minute, I thought John Kerry and Ted Kennedy were CATHOLIC. Oh well... just another one of those things that destroy the Democrat credibility. Speaking of NY...

"It's all for the sake of balance on the court,"Said Sen. Hillary Clinton, (D-NY). "If the court goes too far to the right, I might as well move to Canada, because I won't recognize America anymore." The Court was more balanced with ONE conserative (Rehnquist) in 70's.

Have you done the math here dear reader? If the Senate confirms a MODERATE to replace a CONSERVATIVE in the top job... the court has tilted LEFT. If President Bush appoints a CONSERVATIVE to replace the MODERATE - we're back to where we were before.

The thing is... equal, balanced, etc. has NEVER been big with DEMOCRATS. They want it all.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

"Not Much Traction...

There is a lot of wasted BLAME ink in the Main Stream Media these days. The ANGER, HATE, and BLAME gang have had their say. Hurricane Katrina; they hope will elect more BLAME America first people to office, and bring BIG GOVERNMENT back. It's easy to spot those who are out to make political hay from this Natural disaster. BLAME BUSH elect DEMOCRATS!

If we could just let TV and Movie stars control the vote, that might happen. But the voters are on the ground. They see who is helping and who is whining.( Westley Prudens), The Washington Times, covers the new hope well."The first polls, no surprise, show the libels are not working. A Washington Post-ABC survey found that the president is not seen as the villain the nutcake left is trying to make him out to be. Americans, skeptical as ever, are believing their own eyes." Read the article: "Not Much Traction With The Abuse"

With any natural disaster there is enough BLAME to go around. Every reasonable person will reflect on how they could have done a better job. When you live BELOW sea level on the shore, there is ample reason to fear a hurricane. The first order given was EVACUATE. Many chose , and even now, refuse to EVACUATE the life threatening city of New Orleans.

Those who were responsible for providing transportation for those who called for help will be held accountable. That is a local responsibility. If the City of New Orleans did not have enough transportation it is to call on the County and State. Emergency Management Teams practice this at least once a year in most large cities.

To libel the President for hurricane damage is not gaining much traction. The same thing was tried after 9/11 and the American people saw through that, and they see through this. After every disaster, FEMA is praised by some and criticized by others. This will continue as long as there are people. Some are traumatized, some critics, and others pitch in and help.

Recovering from KatrinaHow you can help: Donate Now.

The following organizations are among the many groups collecting valuable funds to help in the recovery effort:Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund:
:American Red Cross:
:Salvation Army:

Monday, September 05, 2005

"Monday Morning Quarterbacks..."

Monday Morning Quarterbacks: The recovery phase after hurricane Katrina is beginning to take shape. It takes time.

We experienced four hurricanes in a six week period last year here in Florida. There were some who refused to evacuate. Some who had their first and last HURRICANE PARTY. Like some in NO, you can't arrest them all, even for their own good.

We had Monday morning quarterbacks, hind sight is 20/20 as they say. I am reminded of those who ask,"how much did the dealer give you for your trade-in?"After you tell them, they exclaim,"I would have given you a $1000 more, if you had told me you were going to sell!" Fortunately there are more people who pitch in to help their neighbor, than those who try to tear down those that are helping.

There are miracles, as this (article) shows, along with the terrible acts of evil people. Emily Smithy and Nick Parker are in New Orleans, and file this report: "Miracle in the Misery", Online Sun.

Recovering from KatrinaHow you can help: Donate NowThe following organizations are among the many groups collecting valuable funds to help in the recovery effort:Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund: http://www.bushclintonkatrinafund.orgAmerican Red Cross: Army:

" I will choose in a timely manner a highly qualified...

President Bush said YESTERDAY,"There are now two vacancies on the Supreme Court, and it will serve the best interests of the nation to fill those vacancies promptly. I will choose in a timely manner a highly qualified nominee to succeed Chief Justice Rehnquist.

President Bush said TODAY,"I'm confident that the Senate can complete hearings and confirm him as chief justice within a month. As a result of my decision to nominate Judge Roberts to be chief justice, I also have the responsibility to submit a new nominee to follow Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. I will do so in a timely manner."

There is another urgent reason to have a Chief Justice when the Supreme Court reconvenes. The SENIOR judge is a LIBERAL, John Paul Stevens, who would assign cases in the absence of the Chief justice. The advantage to the Court would be a quick turn over without the interruption from a Conservative(Rehnquist) to a Liberal (Stevens) to a conservative later. The Democrats advantage would be to delay so as to allow the Liberal to make key decisions. Smooth transition is in the best interest of the Court, and the country. Judge Roberts is young and brilliant. Now is the time for cooler heads to prevail. Open the hearing. Send Roberts to the Senate for the vote.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Chief Rehnquist & delay...

The confirmation hearing of John Roberts just got tougher. The confirmation hearing (trial) of John Roberts will no doubt be delayed by the death of his mentor Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

"The death leaves Bush with his second court opening within four months and sets up what's expected to be an even more bruising Senate confirmation battle than that of John Roberts", writes( AP) writer Gina Holland.

The chances of the hearings being "Dignified" has dropped to about nil. Chief Justice Rehnquist was a CONSERVATIVE. The Court was made up of four liberal Democrats, two moderates, and three CONSERVATIVES. The thought of four Conservatives and four liberals is not fair and balanced as liberals count.

A "bruising" confirmation "battle" for two Justices - Oh yeah. One moderate(Judge John Roberts) , and one conservative(to be announced) to replace a moderate O'Conner and a conservative Rehnquist is not acceptable.

Sens. Kennedy and Schumer are calling for delay. They would like to delay until a LIBERAL Democrat President appoints two LIBERAL nominees.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Setting aside differences...

Many countries have answered the call from hurricane Katrina victims. Humanitarian aid cuts across political boundaries. A Washington Times article lists the countries as of Sept. 2 :

"By yesterday, offers had been received from Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Belgium, Britain, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jamaica, Jordan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Paraguay, the Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela."

It is good to see Cuba and Venezuela in this list. Even China, who according to another story by Bill Gertz Sept 1, is planning a nuclear war with the U. S. Over Taiwan is helping. Natural disasters do bring countries together to aid human suffering.

Then the same countries go to war and create more human suffering. The countries that are not there really stand out. Not because they have different political aims; but because they do not have compassion on human suffering. Some of course are to poor to send aid; but all can do something. A phone call would be nice.

What will America do if one of the missing countries suffer a national crisis? Will we turn our backs on them? No, we will be in the forefront with aid as Australia states in the first article. And that is one of the things that makes our great country great.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

"The LEGACY...

Herman Melville was billed as "The Man Who Lived Among Cannibals." Chief Justice William Rehnquist could bear the title, "The Justice Who Lived Among Liberals." He rose through the seniority ranks to become Chief Justice. He was respected by all; but did not agree with many on the liberal drift of the Supreme Court.

He was a man acquainted with the minority. In fact, there were only three conservatives on the Court when he passed last Saturday. Now there are two out of nine. He argued for STATES RIGHTS and limited power in the FEDERAL government. Most high school or college graduates for that matter, do not know that the BILL of RIGHTS was passed to protect STATES from the power of the FEDERAL government. They are not taught that anymore.

December 15, 1791 Virginia ratifies the Bill of Rights, and the amendments become part of the U. S. Constitution. Amendment 10 - "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution(not Congress - not Supreme Court), nor prohibited by it to the states, are RESERVED to the STATES respectively, or to the people."(Emphasis mine). This man, Chief Justice William Rehnquist, worked all his career to this end. A man among men, and respected by his peers. Many, including me, believe that his student, Judge John Roberts, can grow Chief William Renquist's LEGACY.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hurricane Katrina...

Preparation first, then prayer. Now that the destruction has happened, what next? Here are a few items from around the Blogs:
Relief Organization: (Salvation Army), is up and running for online donations.

Contact your loved ones :( Saturn) is up and running for contact with loved ones.

Check list for (Hurricane Survival) for you or those in damaged area.

"Where is the world-wide Relief for America's devistated hurricane Katrina victimes?" Good question from, Neil Cavuto, on Foxnews video; none coming, and we don't expect any. But like Neil says, a phone call from some of those we've helped would be nice.

Disaster often brings out the best in some, and the worst in others. There are stories of those who lost their lives looting, and others who gave their lives to save others. What can/will I do?

Recovering from Katrina
How you can help: Donate Now
The following organizations are among the many groups collecting valuable funds to help in the recovery effort:
Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund:
American Red Cross:
Salvation Army:

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

"Endangered species...

George Will likens the "prudent Democrat" to what was once thought to be an endangered species..., the snail darter. Washington Post, "Tone-Deafness Among Democrats"(search).

You've got to hand it to George Will, "prudent Democrats -- those political snail darters, the emblematic endangered species of American politics", shows his skill with words. But like George Will, I'm old enough to remember Conservative Democrats. They loved their country, and their fellow man. They had a reputation of standing up for "the little guy." They sponsored some good legislation.Turns out the "snail darters" were not endangered. Let us hope and pray that the "prudent Democrat" will surface once again and lead their party back from extinction.

There was a time when Senators disagreed without being disagreeable. There was a line one did not cross lest the Senator be labeled " dishonorable." Will the honorable Senators become extinct? There is a need for checks and balances. I believe in a two party system. I support minority parties as well. A dignified hearing for all nominees should be restored.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

" this world nothing certain...

We've all heard old Ben Franklin's quote, " ... in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." Tax reform is being worked on for Fall legislation.

Another idea for debate might be the old idea of a FLAT TAX as Steve Forbes describes in the , (Opinionjournal)today.

President Bush's Administration is fighting many GIANT political battles. This Fall, TAX REFORM is among them. We need to look at all the options, including this one.

"...In 1986, Ronald Reagan simplified the tax code somewhat: A number of tax shelters were eliminated and the number of tax brackets were cut to two: 28% and 15%. But the code remained intact. No sooner was the ink of Reagan's signature dry than Washington politicians slid back into their bad, old habits. Since his day, the federal income tax code has been amended 14,000 times. The tax system today is 60% larger than it was after the Reagan reforms."

We need to study this issue(read this article, Flat Tax Revolution "The Fair Tax book" etc), put all the options on the table, and hammer out a fair tax to replace the antiquated system we now have.

Friday, August 19, 2005

"Stay the course...

When falls the soldier brave,
Dead at the feet of wrong,
The poet sings and guards his grave
With sentinels of song --- A. J. Ryan

A. J. Ryan captures the feeling of many who echo VP Dick Cheney's sympathy for the families who have lost loved ones in the war on terrorists. Our prayers are with them.

In my lifetime, for over 64 years, the MSM has never loved the military. This is where the "WRONG" pops up in Ryan's poem. They are not reporting the RIGHT that our military is accomplishing in this Global war.

They who undermine this war are wrong. We are not fighting against soldiers, we are fighting against murderers. Our military families know that; and it is they who put the "home of the brave" in our song.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

"Getting involved...

In another Blog, I was impressed by a blogger that was getting involved.I appreciate your optimism T N T. The more active we become the better.

We educate ourselves on the issues and then contact others to bring about change.You mention supporting President Bush on the marriage issue. That is a National issue. We need to know what our elected officials position is there and in their own State. Several States have amended their State Constitution, and several groups, like are petitioning to have the issue on the 2006 ballot.

Judge Roberts is a moderate conservative. That is not good enough for the extreme left who have used the Supreme Court to "legislate from the bench" as our President has stated. It is refreshing to see you involved in emailing. Notice we are always FOR something, in this case traditional marriage. We get involved, we don't smear.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

'Guest' worker wilderness..."

A recent( post )by By Victor Davis Hanson, August 13, Washington Times, makes a clear solution to the problem of illegal immigration.

"... We are back to the one solution of measured and legal immigration that we all know will work but apparently dread: Control our borders and enforce existing laws. Fine employers who hire illegal immigrants. Provide a mechanism of foolproof identification. Return to policies of English-language immersion and cultural assimilation. Pay more now in higher labor costs -- but save far more later by avoiding entitlement, law-enforcement and social chaos."

This has made sense to me for a long time. I can not find within myself the pardon for, let alone approval of those who broke our laws above those who abide by our laws. Law breakers are not to be rewarded while legal immigrants are held back.

There is legislation in the works that would have fines of $2,000; but that would be too little for those who have, and too much for those who have not. Illegal is illegal. American must become an undesirable place to live if you are a lawbreaker. This goes for employer and employee who continue to snub our immigration laws.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

"Anti-war moves in guise of grief..."

Do you see deja vu, I do. Make no mistake about it - the anti-war movement has surfaced right on cue. The President's ratings are down. The horror and grief of 9/11 has subsided. Move on .org has joined a real live Vietnam rally against the President with FULL media coverage.

Deja vu. The campaign for 2006 is in full swing with 40, at last count, Democrats in Congress asking President Bush to meet with angry demonstrators near his ranch. Same old play from the same old play book. They even have a not so good Joan Baez sing along on this CBS NEWS VIDEO. . Do you see grief or anti- Bush protesters? Deja vu. Cindy Sheehan is not credible. Gary L. Bauer, Chairman Campaign for Working Families reports:

"..., Sheehan has repeatedly claimed that when she met with President Bush after her son’s death in Iraq that he was callous and unfeeling. But, one of our eagle-eyed readers found an article in the Fairfield California Reporter in June of 2004 that quotes Cindy Sheehan after her meeting with President Bush.

Among other things, she said:“We have a lot of respect for the office of the president, and I have a new respect for him because he was sincere and he didn’t have to take the time to meet with us… I now know he’s sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis. I know he’s sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he’s a man of faith."

”Yet, one year later she paints a completely different and negative picture of the president’s reaction to her loss. Just as importantly, Sheehan has adopted an extreme radical Left interpretation of the Iraq war, i.e. that it was done to “enrich the president’s oil friends and to fulfill ‘American imperialism.’” In short, she isn’t credible, but the average American wouldn’t know that from watching NBC, ABC, and CBS. "

I differ with Mr. Bauer only in that I believe the average American can see that this is a sham. She has fallen in with angry anti-war protesters a.k.a. BUSH-Bashers. Her husband has filed for divorce and her family has pleaded with her to quit being used by this bunch and come home.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Borkers and Porkers in congress

The Democrats have obstruction on their minds, while the Republicans have construction on their minds. The liberals all agreed that Judge Roberts was a brilliant lawyer, well qualified for Supreme Court, ... But their constituency demanded that he be "BORKED."
The Republicans have campaigned on cutting government spending, ... But their constituency demanded "PORK."

The "Borking" has not been going well for the Democrats lately... Well, nothing has gone well. It takes time to learn to be a minority. The "TAX & SPEND" label for Democrats has been retired. They now bear the label BLOCK & BORK anything Republican.
One the other side, a "GROW & SPEND" label is now attached itself to the Republicans. The ( Highway Bill ) loaded with "PORK." In fact, this Washington Times report equates "stories of Robert Byrd's roads to nowhere in West Virginia could soon be eclipsed by Don Young's Alaska."

Among the highlights of this bit of bacon, as Donald Lambro of The Washington Times pointed out yesterday: "Don Young's Way," a $230 million bridge in Alaska named for the lawmaker who chairs the House Transportation Committee; the "Highway to Nowhere," an $18.75 million bridge connecting Ketchikan, Alaska, to the Island of Gravina, population 50."

Democrats can't tax and spend because they are a minority; but Republicans can cut growth of government and pork spending. After national defense, these were the two big reasons we sent you guys up there. Grow the economy, hold the line on spending, and cut government waste.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

"Take this country back..."

"Vote by vote, precinct by precinct, door by door, year by year and election by election, we will take this country back for the people who built it," Democrat Chairman Dean said.

One morning the Chairman realized that the Democrat party needed a MESSAGE. I hope this isn't it. You probably knew when the Democrat party owned "the country", I admit I never knew that. When in the history of America, did any political party have to "take back our country"?

This might be another of Dr. Dean's "versions of the facts." If the Democrat chairman and his party of wealthy elites could own America, and I'm not saying they could, would they "give the country" back? I think not. They would rule the country FOR the people and return to shaking down the people who "built it."

This soon after a National election for the Chairman to say, "The Democrats have no message," is very telling indeed. Former Sen. Gephardt said, "I hope they find a message soon." John Kerry ran for President of the United States just nine months ago - without a message.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

"Let the Borking begin..."

"Does anyone know what time it is... Does anyone care" is from an old song that many of you may remember. What is happening to our country - and does anyone care?

NARAL will spend $500,000 to frighten cable news watchers and the people of Maine and Rhode Island, home to three liberal Republican senators. See (Manuel Miranda, WSJ) for the whole story. We know NARAL is a BIG MONEY special interest group. Yesterday(this Blog) we said "If it pays, it plays." Today we learn that radio, newspapers, and TV are going for the MONEY! They KNOW that the ads are WRONG - yet they DON"T CARE!.

Judge Roberts is being portrayed as an advocate of gays and protector of bombers of clinics.
But here are the facts: The footage of the victims shown in the ad came from a clinic bombing in 1998... , years after Roberts had left government service, and the case Roberts argued in 1991 had nothing to do with clinic bombings, but whether or not the federal Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871 could be used to prosecute pro-life protestors for trespassing ..., not bombings.

The ugliness of the ad by the NAACP showing a black being drug to death in Texas and associating it with George W. Bush a candidate for U.S. PRESIDENT raises its ugly head. The NAACP soon found that the PUBLIC cared. There was an outrage and the ad was killed.

What can we do about it? We can express our outrage by letting the advertisers know that we are outraged by calling and writing them. DEMAND the ad be killed. Cancel subscriptions, and refuse to watch or listen to their stations : THAT'S MONEY - more than the ad pays.

To members of Congress let them know that "Borking Judge ROBERTS" doesn't pay.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

"If it pays, it plays"

Just out: NARAL Falsely Accuses Supreme Court Nominee Roberts. Attack ad says he supported an abortion-clinic bomber and excused violence. In fact, Roberts called clinic bombers “criminals” who should be prosecuted fully.

Judge John Roberts is brilliant and the most qualified nominee in years. Yet, the attack squads who were ready to spend millions on smearing ANY nominee are digging and twisting the truth. First it was the pro bono work, required by the law firm where he worked, to help a gay lawsuit lawyer. Now its a twisted ad which NARL knowingly prints material that it knows is misleading.

We have a saying in radio, "If it pays, it plays." These are desperate stations that will allow anything on their stations. They have no credibility. Neither does NARAL; but accusing John Roberts of favoring abortion clinic bombing is beyond the pale.

Judicial activism...

Judicial activism has harmed our country by overstepping its authority. The country has a Congress to represent the will of the people. Judges have not allowed the divisive issues to be aired out in the Congress.

Row v Wade, same-sex marriage, etc are issues for the legislative bodies in their representative authority. The Supreme Court does not make law, they "decide cases brought before them according to the rule of law." Where are the activist Republican judges "making law"?

It is high time for the High Court to get back to judging. If Row v Wade is overturned, let the Congress decide its fate like it should have done in the first place. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of our government have specific functions. When one becomes out of balance, it is the duty of the other two, and the voters to bring them back into balance.

The will of the people is pointed in the direction of fair and balanced from all three branches. Let's hope and pray that our officials are listening. Executive - execute, Legislative - legislate, Judicial - Judge, don't confuse your office by overstepping your bounds.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

"He jests at scars..."

Much has been written about the wounds received from a supposed friend. These hurt the most. "To bite the hand that feeds you," comes to mind. Such is the case of a lawyer, Walter Smith, Jr.

Lawyers are often instructed to assist other lawyers in their law firm without consideration of their personal beliefs. They are required to practice "moot court" to help a law firm prepare.

The big "Exposure" in the LA Times and NY Times was to show the open minded and compassionate side of Supreme Court nominee Judge John Roberts; for a minority group we're sure.The chief source of the story is this guy Walter Smith who worked at Roberts' law firm 10 years ago but is now with a liberal activist group called D C Appleseed.

The media is not reporting that Walter Smith, who is quoted in LA Times and NY Times as building up Roberts as gung-ho on the Colorado case, is closely allied with People for the American Way(Ralph Neas) and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (Wade Henderson)

Note three factual things.
1. These stories are from 1995-1996 and dealt with a PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) case against Pat Robertson and CBN.
2. The main attorney on the case was Walter Smith, Jr. (the same man who was in the LA Times story.)

We will be all ears to hear the truth come out in the nonpartisan Senate hearing. Wouldn't it be a laugh if the PFLAG came out in support of the lawyer that helped them? Cheer for Brutus?
I think not. They came not to praise Judge Roberts; but to bury him. They jest.

"He jests at scars that never felt a wound." --- Shakespeare

Terrorists Beware the Brits

According to a Washington Times article Tony Blair is angry and is not going to take hate speech anymore. One eyed or two eyed mullahs who preach, teach, hate will be deported. He further proposes closing the mosques where the hatred was preached, and baring entry into his country of any Muslim radicals.

Web sites and bookshops that promote hatred and violence would be closed. Suspected terrorists would be held without charges for three months instead of the present 14 day limit. It is past time to boot the Muslims who do not share our way of life and take advantage of our good nature was the gist of his remarks. We in the U.S. of A. say: BRAVO BRITS!

They do not have a BCLU(British Civil Liberties Union) to my knowledge. Up until now the Brits were against Tony Blair's fight against GLOBAL terrorists warfare. Bombs in London have changed a few minds. Even one Muslim of the Islamic Society of Britain has denounced the terrorists as "lunatics" on the BBC.

We salute Tony Blair and say,"The Yankes are coming," but we do have the ACLU and a MSM that choose to see this quest for world domination as something we Yankes brought on ourselves. Our way of life and good nature in the West is not acceptable to radical Islam. They believe, like the Communists, that they must kill us before they can install their utopia.

Terrorists beware of Tony Blair and George W. Bush. There will NEVER be appeasement for cutthroat Muslim terrorists. You are hearing from law abiding Muslims now. You have seen our resolve and our willingness to track you down and bring you to justice. Let FREEDOM ring or pay the price. Your Allah should have told you by now that there are more freedom lovers in the world who are willing to fight for their freedom than hatemongers like you. The terror you bring about by killing women and children last for a moment - we have an ENDURING FREEDOM.

Friday, August 05, 2005

"Life is real!...

"Former First Lady Nancy Reagan praised Mr. Frist for his new position, but stem cell research advocates ignore Michael Reagan's opposition, as well as that of his father, Ronald Reagan, who said in 1983, "My administration is dedicated to the preservation of America as a free land and there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning." So writes Cal Thomas of The Washington Times.

"life is real! Life is earnst!
And the grave is not its goal."--- Longfellow, A Psalm of Life

Stem cell research is a good thing as I think most would agree. The use of human embryos for the research is not nessary. Frozen human embroys are being used to enable infertile women to become mothers. Eighty plus such children were at the White House with President Bush. Human embroys are children - human life - and human "Life is real!"

''When you see the faces of our children, it drives the passion," said Doni Brinkman, a 32-year-old Phoenix woman who trolled the halls of Congress yesterday with her 4-year-old son, Tanner, who wore a T-shirt proclaiming, ''This embryo was not discarded." (Read) By Nina J. Easton, Globe Staff May 24, 2005 , News.

Not too long ago young people had a saying, "Get Real!"

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

"All things in Moderation...

The ex-first lady has decided she is a MODERATE. She is reported to have discovered this startling fact following the last national election. Many in the press have known this for a long time, the New York Times, Newsweek, etc. Yet, there are some who linger to endorse her.

One such is DeRoy Murdock, who has been keeping score. It's those pest Senate votes that keep popping up like a popup on the computer. Well... his computer at least. In "The Journal Gazette he writes, ... "The American Conservative Union gave Clinton a zero for her 2004 Senate votes. ... For her 2004 Senate votes, the National Taxpayers Union gave Clinton an 11 percent rating -- an F.

There are some moderate Democrats; but the liberal leadership keep them on a short string. In fact, Did we hear correctly? "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi may punish Democrats who supported CAFTA? The Wall Street Journal says in an editorial that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi "is contemplating revenge against the 15 Democrats who had the nerve to vote for CAFTA. Rep. Pelosi "called a caucus gripe session in the wake of last Wednesday's vote, and an article in the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call suggested that Democrats who voted yes may lose their favorite committee assignments." This segment is from the RNC.

The question remains; will the moderate Democrats ever regain their party? They trusted Bill Clinton when he labled himself a moderate to win elections. Even when they learned that he and his ambitious wife were flaming liberals, to win elections, they continued to play along. That mistake has cost them dearly.

The plan is : move to the center to get elected; then grow big government, and rule the masses as an elite liberal. It worked for Bill, it will not work for Hillary.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bush appoints Bolton

Ambassador Bolton has his work cut out for him. The U.N. is still controlled by the "blame America first" crowd. Its a shame that they aren't elected. Of course most of them will not allow a true Democracy in their country. "We the people" might form a more perfect U.N.

In fact, as we look around the world we live in, there are men and women trying to destroy the very foundation of Democracy. Men and women, boys and girls, are dying because they will not continue to be ruled by tyrants. American men and women are dying to bring life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that we enjoy to them.

These tyrants say their people are not ready for Democracy in public. In private they say if I allow Democracy I will loose my power over the people.
The U. N. is corrupt, not because of Democracy; but for lack of it. We the people say with Lincoln, "... that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Saturday, July 30, 2005

"A little nonsense..."

A little nonsense now and then
Is relished by the best of men.

I told you I loved old Nursery Rhymes. Chairman of the DNC, Howard Dean got big laughs and lots of applause at the Oxford Hotel as he ribbed President Bush and the three Rs: Republicans, Rove and Rush:

There are more and more CONSERATIVE media types, and typets on the Web everyday. Remember: Little Green Footballs of CBS forged documents? Captain's Quarters, received the 2004 Award for BEST CONSERATIVE BLOG, from Weblog Awards. Then there's Instapundit, and Hugh Hewitt to name a few that present conserative views.

The RNC hosted by chairman Ken Mehlman has a blog on www. for those of you who would like to voice your opinions by logging on. One such blogger is Maddie of Maddie's Musings here on eblogger.

"Republicans, Rove, and Rush" have stopped the liberal's complete control of the media. Republicans have recruited, registered, and rallied, enough "values" Americans to replace LIBERAL Democrats in the White House, Senate, and the House. They Read their LIBERAL press, they Right their LIBERAL points; but they can't stand Republican Rithmetic at the polls. Rush, then Rove have given the American voter the Reasons to vote the rascals out. Roll on R's!!! Vive le President Bush!

"Byrd by name, Bird by nature..."

There are a few people who remember Robert C. Byrd's theme for his West Virginia leglislative race. Can you visualize a picture of Byrd playing a violin ( fiddle for West Virginians) and the caption:"Byrd by Name and Bird by nature, lets send Byrd to the legislature"? The circular had Byrd's face on a bird's body playing his music... like..., well... like bird's music. Some said he was a showoff, while others said Bob was just fiddling around. I am among that few who remember.

There are more than a few voters that want to retire the U.S. Senator this time. They have some help from his friends in the Senate. Senator Byrd has out liberaled most liberals. Now his record in the Senate has come to haunt him. Using the Senator's words and legislation against him, a video named simply "CHANGE", is running in that state. The Liberal Democrat is running in what has become a Conserative Democrat and Conservative Republican state.

Hiram Lewis has announced his candidacy, and Karl Rove is known to be courting a WV Congresswoman. Shelley Moore Capito is the daughter of two time WV Republican Governor Arch moore. Could the Byrd loose his high perch? Could be.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

"Here come the Judge..."

Many may remember this hilarious line from Shorty Long in 1968. Clerow "Flip" Wilson made it famous in his popular variety show along with, the Minister's wife; Geraldine Jones..., you remember her - "The Devil made me buy this dress.!"

We may be spilling too much blog ink on antics the Democrats play; but there are lessons to learn. Now you take Sen. Chuck Schumer..., please. Sen. Schumer (Dem. NY) said on FoxNews Sunday, 7/24/05, "He's been great!" This is in reference to Judge John G. Rogers; now that was the political massage. This is the set-up.

To the Judge he said he said, "... I will vote for you... (IF) you prove to be a mainstream( a.k.a. narrow, left wing liberal) justice." Why is this important?

Lets look at another example, "The Supreme Court makes law." That was a slip of the tongue by Sen. Schumer; but that is what liberal special interest groups depend on when they can't get legislation passed.

The overwhelming majority of Americans, according to all sources, are in favor of bringing on the Judge. The hearings have been set for August. The vacancy created by the resignation of Judge O'Connor should be filled by a conservative , by October, that does not legislate from the bench. This is not just a fulfillment of a campaign promise, it is in the best interest of the Supreme Court which has become a pseudo legislative body.

It's passed time for the Senate to look at itself as a representative body, not a lobby for special interests. To go against the will of the American voter is not cool. As Geraldine would say looking in the mirror, "When you're hot; you're hot." Lets "Bring on the Judge."

Monday, July 25, 2005

"The mailman always rings...

Yes we are dating ourselves a bit by quoating a really old movie: The Mailman Rings Twice. In the movie the mailman delivers the mail; but he ALWAYS rings twice for you to come to the door. Today we look at the delivery of RNC chairman, Ken Mehlman.

Mehlman Delivers, by WeeklyStandard Executive Editor, Fred Barnes, 25Jul 2005 is an excellent account of the RNC chairman. Why are more Americans responding to the values of the Republican Party? You need look no farther than the chairman's background and philosophy.

"Politics ought to be about addition, not division," Ken Mehlman says. The RNC chairman is crisscrossing America doing just that, adding to the GOP. Reaching out to all Americans to come and join the GOP in its effort to move America forward. His message to the "exurbs" and minority groups is effective. The Republican party is growing because of "inclusion", years in advance of elections. Millions are being contacted through mail, email, and meetings.

The contrast between chairman Mehlman and chairman Dean could not be more vivid. Mehlman Rocks, as the more modern saying goes, he also Delivers.

Friday, July 22, 2005

"An honest politician...

Make no mistake about it... there are honest politicians; but all politicians are in the business of politics, which is called "the art of compromise." At best, it is a give and take profession.

Our quote today comes from a Republican. He was an old 1860 political boss from Pennsylvania. "An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought." We may laugh at this today but there is still an element of truth to the old man's thinking.

If a man or woman is an honest judge, why does it take millions of dollars to prove what is known by everyone he or she has had contact with? The Republicans are doing that with President Bush's nominee Judge Roberts. Democrats and Republicans agree, he is qualified.

With that said... let me give you an analogy:" Old football coach sticks to game plan."

The Democrat attack committee, spokespersons, and bought by left wing special interest groups will attack any nominee by President Bush.

"An honest politician is one who, when he is bought, will stay bought." ---Simon Cameron c. 1860.

The humor in this, if there is any humor, is the Democrat play book is known better by their opponents than by their players. Its the same old plays every time.

I'm reminded of an old coach at a junior college that had Korean Vets for two years on his football team. These were grown men playing against recent High School kids. Run two ground plays, never a pass, usually picked up first down or touchdown - if not; PUNT, this was always his game plan. The Vets were gone soon, but he kept the same game plan for 20 years. He didn't win many games.

The Democrats controlled the Congress for over forty years. Their game plan is still the same. Get legislation from the bench if you can't get it passed by legislation. Fine something in an opponents background and hold a trial in the press. Smear the opponent in a willing press. If these two plays don't work, your third play is always the same - PUNT. Find something that is classified and DEMAND that it be discussed in the PRESS. When the opponent refuses on the grounds of it is classified, Scream: WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO HIDE!!!

When a judge is being considered ask them a question that they can't answer about an issue that may come up in his/her court. Roe v Wade comes to mind. Classified legal briefs also come to mind. The same game plan for stalling the confirmation of John Bolton, remember him?


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Tracking terrorists...

Checking for convicted sex offenders on the internet. . Ref Washington Times story.

I put my own name through - trusting - well maybe; but I have no fear as the saying goes. I still believe in you are innocent until proven guilty. There were no hits in the state where I live for a person by my name, or even a name that sounded like my name.

UPI has the story: National sex offender Web site launched

WASHINGTON, July 20 (UPI) -- The U.S. Justice Department Wednesday activated its online National Sex Offender Public Registry, linking the registries of 22 states.
The site is located at
"Citizens will now be able to search the latest information for the identity and location of known sex offenders across state boundaries," said Regina B. Schofield, assistant attorney general for the Office of Justice Programs.
The department said the free site allows computer users to make a single query to search public state and territory sex offender registries for results based on a name, state, county, town or Zip Code.
The remaining state public sex offender registries are expected to be linked to the NSOPR within six months, the department said.
There are more than 500,000 registered sex offenders nationwide and statistics have shown the recidivism rate for these offenders is high, the department said.

You must give information about yourself that is already known to the officials of the states by your driver's license, voter ID, etc. You must agree to conditions set forth, the rest is easy.

Question: If we (citizens) can do this with convicted sex offenders, why can't we do this with convicted shoe bombers, etc? Why can't we (citizens) type in the name of a known terrorist that we suspect might be living next door? The day of depending on the WANTED poster in the local post office is over.

Toney Blair is calling for the Islamic citizens to step forward and turn in suspected terrorists. The Islamic terrorists live and build bombs in Islamic communities. Islamic cleriks have been living in denial since 9/11/ everywhere in the world. To condemn the murder of innocent civilians is not enough. It is past time for the Islamic communities to join the rest of the communities in every nation to prevent murder.

There is nothing holy about a religion that tolerates the murder of any citizen in the name of religion. There is nothing decent about protecting a sex offended who is known to be planning another attack against an innocent citizen. Every civilized society protects its own from criminal acts. It is high time to unite against these criminals and prevent them from further destruction.


Bush Picks Roberts...

It appears that if Sen. Charles Schumer has a wild response to President Bush's nomination of Judge Roberts, he will be largely alone. Fineman of MSMBC called Roberts "almost" a perfect candidate for the President and the Conseratives in this country.

We take it that "almost" means that no one is perfect. We can say, all things considered, that President Bush has made the perfect pick. This nominee will be confirmed based on the knowledge we have at the present time.

Now is the time for the Senate to work as the Senate. Senators who grandstand will be seen for what they are. A smooth hearing and up or down vote would bode well for the body politic. We wish Judge Roberts well. WE call for a normal and speedy confirmation.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

"Back to the books...

What is all the rage about with this guy - Harry Potter? Would you care to see Harry Potter? Visit Harry Potter's Store?? OK, so now you've seen him. Will you stand in line to buy him?

I have been asked a lot; I mean several people have asked me, what about Harry Potter? One actually asked, did you know the Pope is against Harry Potter? I must confess - I didn't know that. I seem to remember something about the Pope not getting on to well with a King, but that was a long time ago. Surely they have patched things up by now.

Most of us can recall some moments of near magic in our childhood. We knew the monsters under our bed, on a rainy day, were not real. We scared each other with ghost stories. Those times to me seemed unreal in a delightful way. I have another confession; and I'm not Catholic, but I still make up stories to scare my grandchildren. They squeak and squeal and run away; then they do just what I did at their age. They run back and start begging for another story. In your minds eye you can see their faces shining with excitement. Do you see them?

It is true that as children we have trouble separating fact from fantasy. We tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. We are more forgiving, and yes - we can't see the bad hidden in others. As adults we have the responsibility to protect children until they mature enough to protect themselves. It is the responsibility of adults to supervise the child, and keep them from harmful books, movies, etc. One last confession, I still love Mother Goose Rhymes.


Monday, July 18, 2005

"To be, or not to be..."

William Shakespeare had an actor speak this line. In context, it was a matter of life or death. We can use this line without fear of triteness. What are we, and what should we be, crosses our minds from time to time.

To reveal or not to reveal is the question? To revile or not to revile has not been a question for the Democrat leadership in the party, or in the Congress for some time.

"The unnamed FBI agent wrote that she saw one al Qaeda suspect lying in his own excrement, that he had pulled out his own hair and that he had no food and water." This unverified CHARGE was read on the Senate floor by Sen. Dick Durbin. Then he made outrageous CHARGES against out military in Gitmo. He was forced to apologize for making false charges.

Rowan Scarborough of the Washington Times wrote today that the MAJOR CHARGES brought by Sen. Dick Durbin COULD NOT BE SUBSTANTIATED. There were no two or more reliable witnesses to testify that these CHARGES were fact.


Senator Warner was right to point out that the CHARGE had NOT been VERIFIED to Sen. Dick Durbin in the senate. Senator Warner was right to call for an apology from Sen. Dick Durbin to our military. Senator Warner has not given up. This piece by Scarborough goes on to say:"Warner at a hearing last week that the FBI agent was on an unspecified classified "project" and was not available for an interview. Mr. Warner said she should have been tracked down."

To be or not to be our senator could be crossing some minds in the very near future. Senator is no longer a life time appointment. We can be replaced, has become a reality to some who thought they could not be.


Presumed Innocent

Democrats have been trying to create a White House scandal because one has not occured naturally. This has to be an embarrassment considering the past Democrat administration. This partisan smear campaign is beginning to shape up like the phony Dan Rather report.

President Bush is an honest, decent man, who demanded that those in his administration serve decently. The charges leveled against him, and those that serve with him, have been heard and responded to according to the facts of each case.

Presumed Innocent Until Proven Guilty is a term seldom heard in our Congress these days. It is never heard in the press by our "get or create the story at any cost" journalists. Karl Rove is guilty of trying to help a reporter.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

"Is it lawful..."

"Laws are dumb in the midst of arms." --- Cicero

Chairman Ken Mehlman is the right man for the leadership of the Republican National Committee. The best way to test the metal is to place it under fire. Answering the call to appear on "Meet The Press" from Tim Russert, the former aide to Tip O'Neill (Dem. Mass.), John Podesta, the former chief of staff to Bill Clinton(Dem. Ark.), and all the other Democrat regulars who claim they are "fair and ballanced" shows fortitude.

More than fortitude was brought forth from the heart of the man that was speaking from truth rather than speculation. As seen in other places, "Where's the Newt?", these political activists and main stream media are trying to "burn" Karl Rove in spite of his vindication to this point in an ongoing investigation.

The law of calling for a person to be punished before the verdict is read is unlawful. Yet that is what is being done by lawyers. Hillary Clinton, Yale law school, John Kerry, Boston College , and others. When lawyers disrespect the law it follows that the citizens will too.

Clinton and Kerry have called for Karl Rove to be fired while the jury is still out.

"Where's The Newt?" From The New York Times by John Tierney's Op-EdJuly 16, 2005 :

"We are in the midst of a remarkable Washington scandal, and we still don't have a name for it. Leakgate, Rovegate, Wilsongate - none of the suggestions have stuck because none capture what's so special about the current frenzy ...The closest parallel is the moment in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" when members of a mob eager to burn a witch are asked by the wise Sir Bedevere how they know she's a witch.

"Well, she turned me into a newt," the villager played by John Cleese says.

"A newt?" Sir Bedevere asks, looking puzzled.

"I got better," he explains.

"Burn her anyway!" another villager shouts.

I think Tierney is on to something in this New York Times OP-ED. "Laws can be dumb"(silent) when those that are "out" are outraged that they are not "in".

"And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the centurion that stood by, Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncondemned?" Acts 22:25. I think Ken Mehlman, John Tierney, and the Apostle Paul have it right.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

"The only difference,"

"The only difference, after all their rout,
Is that the one is in, the other out." --- Charles Churchill

Many may be saying - when will be get back to books and cooks? All in good time my friends. Current events has a place here in the blogging world. The free discussion of different views is a driving force in the popularity of this new phenomenal cyberspace.

EBLOGGER is open to all types of world views. The bloggs are in the thousands now. All are individuals with individual beliefs. This site has done a lot, to say the least, to promote blogging. It is a free, or for a fee site if you want more "bells and whistles." They offer advertising; , for example, and many other helps.

The attack on Karl Rove is political. This is a current event; because "the one is in, the other out." We are in another election cycle, like it or not, many do not. The humorist, Will Rogers, didn't give a whit about politics. He exclaimed,"I tell you Folks, all Politics is Apple Sauce!"

There you see... we're back to food(Apple Sauce). Apple sauce cake, the kind your grandmother made is still a great favorite of mine. You know the kind that is stuck together with applebutter.

Maybe you have a receipe for old-fashioned applesauce cake you would like to share. Send a comment. In the meantime; I hope you will listen to others, especially those you disagree with. APPLE SAUCE CAKE and COFFEE go well with these conversations. Enjoy...


Saturday, July 09, 2005

"The whole of government..."

"The whole of government consists in the art of being honest."--- Thomas Jefferson

All three branches of national government must be honest to their own duty. Recently two Senators expressed that discussion and openess were being done by this administration; but differences of opinion about the confirmation of Supreme Court nominees was expected.

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) On NBC's "Meet The Press": "And frankly, this administration has done more consulting than any administration in my whole 29 years in the United States Senate. And it's not only going to be pre-consultation, I think it'll be post-consultation once the person is nominated. And I believe that they deserve a lot of credit for it. They've actually consulted as we sit here with dozens of senators in the United States Senate. That's never been done before. Usually a president will talk with the leadership and then talk with the chairman and ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, but they've gone way beyond that." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 7/10/05)
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) On ABC's "This Week" On Up-Or-Down Votes: "Every Republican is united around this fact - we're going to give the nominee an up-or-down vote - but every Republican may not vote for this person." (ABC's "This Week," 7/10/05) .

There is an old saying,"He that is not for me, is against me." The opposite can be stated here. There are a few Republican senators that may be for us; but they can not support a particular nominee. Our President has been more than generous to discuss options with individual senators as senator Hatch states here. This includes Democrats & Republicans, those in leaderships & those outside.Senator Graham has called for an up or down vote, and is quite right to announce that a nominee that leans left or even a moderate that is likely to "drift" left after confirmation will not be voted up by Conservative Republican senators. Our President has put the best interest of America ahead of party politics in our fight against terror, both foreign and domestic. He has said that he will appoint nominees who follow the constitution and I believe him. The Court must come back to its original foundation. Its role and rule has slipped left. That must be corrected. Legislation from the bench must end now. We have the man and the votes to do it now. The President and the senate know what must be done. Each branch of government must exercise its constitutional authority. No more or no less, that is checks and balances. Lets just do it. Left, Middle, and Right are to be represented in the executive, and legislative - not the judicial. Did the lower courts follow the constitution? That is the question for the Supreme Court. The executive and the legislative branches have an opportunity to restore the balance.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"Why is it that we rejoice at a birth...

"Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? Is it because we are not the person concerned?" --- Mark Twain.

We have just rejoiced at America's 228th birthday. At the time of her birth most nations predicted that democracy could not endure. The European countries were wrong. America has become a great nation "under God" and a lighthouse on a hill. A beacon of hope for the oppressed and a threat to tyrants.

We are led by a President born on the 6th day of July. Happy birthday Mr. President. Many have criticized President George W. Bush. The European countries predicted, with some Americans, that his administration could not endure. They were wrong. In his second admistration now, many of his campaign promises have been accomplished. He continues to work to move America and her allies forward. All this while leading a fight against those who desire to KILL AMERICANS in the name of their god.

We rejoice at the birth of our Republic , and at the birth of our President. God bless America and God bless President George W. Bush. We are concerned citizens on this July 6, 2005.
