Tuesday, September 13, 2005

"Few of the BEST...

A few of the best statements concerning the qualifications of Judge John Roberts have been made. It will be difficult to keep the focus on the Supreme Court and its need of a Chief Justice.

By one count, Senator Chuck Schumer(Dem. NY) referred to I, Me, Myself, thirty Seven(37) times in his allotted ten minute opening remarks. The two senior Democrats on the committee, Senator Patrick Leahy(Dem. Vermont) and Senator Ted Kennedy(Dem. MA) have tied the questioning to hurricane Katrina. The BEST statement was by Sen. John Warner (Rep.Va).He said."... Roberts has the strongest qualifications of any of the more than 2,000 judicial nominees he has seen in 27 years in the Senate."

According to( Reuters), BUSH: "I take responsibility." Fifty-four percent of Americans disapprove of Bush's handling of the response, but 57 percent say state and local officials should bear responsibility for the problems, according to the latest Washington Post-ABC poll."

The old adage of President Harry Truman,"The Buck Stops Here" is still in force. The President is responsible for all that occurs on his watch. "Are we capable of dealing with a severe attack or another severe storm?", the President said that we will find out what went on , and how we can "better respond" to these events.

President Bush is being asked to appoint a person to oversee the relief and recovery work. Retired Gen. Tommy Franks and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani are being considered.

President George Bush, Judge John Roberts, Gen. Tommy Franks, and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani are among "a few of the BEST men in our country.

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