Tuesday, September 20, 2005

"This is the stuff...

"As the waters clear"by The Washington Times reporter, Michael Barone takes a look at New Orleans after the hurricane, and after the BLAME GAME.

Will the press learn anything from their biased reports? Probably not. IF they were going to clean up their act, they would have done it by now. Will we the readers and watchers learn to take their reporting with a grain of salt? I believe that is what a lot of us have done.

"Lower taxes and less bureaucracy," these are TWO keys to a CONSERVATIVE recovery response that calls on the business community to get involved. This is the HAND UP rather than the RAISE TAXES and give HAND OUTS approach of left wing Democrats.

An( OP/ED) piece in the Los Angeles Times calls for OVERWHELMING Senate confirmation of Judge John Roberts. It will indeed be "a damning indictment of petty partisanship if" , and that is the big word - IF there is not an "overwhelming" majority Senate confirmation of the moderate Judge John Roberts. IF the Democrats have nightmares about voting for a MODERATE to replace a CONSERVATIVE, then it is easy to see the drift LEFT in liberal dreams.

"I for one have woken up in the middle of the night thinking about it, being unsure how to vote," said Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.). The terror of self-serving politics can bring nightmares according to the senior Sen. from N.Y. The real fight, IF there is one, will be the nominee that is to replace the moderate O'Connor. "This is the stuff dreams are made of...".

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