Thursday, September 08, 2005

"To confirm, or not to confirm...things & more things

Things just keep happening to the Democrat strategy. And its not their fault, it's just ... things.

George Soros spent $27 million to buy himself a U. S. President. That's a lot of things. John Kerry said,"I can't believe... I'm losing to that idiot." George Soros said, I can't believe I'm losing $27 million. Then after Kerry lost by more votes than anyone in recorded history, Sen. Reid (Dem. NV) Minority leader said, the big winner was a "loser". It get funnier.

John Kerry was depending on Catholic votes. He voted for everything Catholics are against; but near the end he said,"I was an alter boy." Thing is... Catholics didn't buy it.

Then along comes this big expose' that Carl Rove has outed a covert CIA agent. Democrats called for his immediate firing. The thing is... Rove didn't do it. Another one of those things, like the bogus CBS documents. Thing is... Bush didn't do it.

One of the big things that motivated the Democrats in 2004 was to STOP Bush from being elected, because the next President would appoint one or more Supreme Court judges. There are NINE judges. Four are LIBERAL Democrats, Two are Moderates, Three are Republican conservatives when President Bush is elected in 2004.

Judge O'Connor who votes conservative sometimes and liberal other times decides to retire.
The Democrats DEMAND that President Bush replace her with a MODERATE. The Senate has NEVER done that before,... The President appoints and the Senate confirms or denies. It's in the U.S.Constitution..., just another one of those sticky things.

Notice TWO things about the NEW BALANCE on the COURT that is DEMANDED. First thing is President Bush picks an outstanding MODERATE to replace the MODERATE O'Connor.
Second thing, CONSERATIVE judge William Rehnquist dies and President Bush appoints a MODERATE judge John Roberts to replace him.

This should please the Democrats. A MODERATE replaces a CONSERVATIVE. But this is the comments from two leading Democrats, after NARAL and other big money libs raved, John Roberts would... impede the progress of an equal nation.

"I'm not gonna stand by and just let this happen," fired Sen. Kennedy. "Subjugating women to a roll in the kitchen, being barefoot and pregnant that is, is a crime upon nature. With Roberts being a Catholic, that's exactly what will happen."

Now Wait a NY minute, I thought John Kerry and Ted Kennedy were CATHOLIC. Oh well... just another one of those things that destroy the Democrat credibility. Speaking of NY...

"It's all for the sake of balance on the court,"Said Sen. Hillary Clinton, (D-NY). "If the court goes too far to the right, I might as well move to Canada, because I won't recognize America anymore." The Court was more balanced with ONE conserative (Rehnquist) in 70's.

Have you done the math here dear reader? If the Senate confirms a MODERATE to replace a CONSERVATIVE in the top job... the court has tilted LEFT. If President Bush appoints a CONSERVATIVE to replace the MODERATE - we're back to where we were before.

The thing is... equal, balanced, etc. has NEVER been big with DEMOCRATS. They want it all.