Friday, August 12, 2005

Borkers and Porkers in congress

The Democrats have obstruction on their minds, while the Republicans have construction on their minds. The liberals all agreed that Judge Roberts was a brilliant lawyer, well qualified for Supreme Court, ... But their constituency demanded that he be "BORKED."
The Republicans have campaigned on cutting government spending, ... But their constituency demanded "PORK."

The "Borking" has not been going well for the Democrats lately... Well, nothing has gone well. It takes time to learn to be a minority. The "TAX & SPEND" label for Democrats has been retired. They now bear the label BLOCK & BORK anything Republican.
One the other side, a "GROW & SPEND" label is now attached itself to the Republicans. The ( Highway Bill ) loaded with "PORK." In fact, this Washington Times report equates "stories of Robert Byrd's roads to nowhere in West Virginia could soon be eclipsed by Don Young's Alaska."

Among the highlights of this bit of bacon, as Donald Lambro of The Washington Times pointed out yesterday: "Don Young's Way," a $230 million bridge in Alaska named for the lawmaker who chairs the House Transportation Committee; the "Highway to Nowhere," an $18.75 million bridge connecting Ketchikan, Alaska, to the Island of Gravina, population 50."

Democrats can't tax and spend because they are a minority; but Republicans can cut growth of government and pork spending. After national defense, these were the two big reasons we sent you guys up there. Grow the economy, hold the line on spending, and cut government waste.

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