Thursday, August 11, 2005

"Take this country back..."

"Vote by vote, precinct by precinct, door by door, year by year and election by election, we will take this country back for the people who built it," Democrat Chairman Dean said.

One morning the Chairman realized that the Democrat party needed a MESSAGE. I hope this isn't it. You probably knew when the Democrat party owned "the country", I admit I never knew that. When in the history of America, did any political party have to "take back our country"?

This might be another of Dr. Dean's "versions of the facts." If the Democrat chairman and his party of wealthy elites could own America, and I'm not saying they could, would they "give the country" back? I think not. They would rule the country FOR the people and return to shaking down the people who "built it."

This soon after a National election for the Chairman to say, "The Democrats have no message," is very telling indeed. Former Sen. Gephardt said, "I hope they find a message soon." John Kerry ran for President of the United States just nine months ago - without a message.

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