Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Judicial activism...

Judicial activism has harmed our country by overstepping its authority. The country has a Congress to represent the will of the people. Judges have not allowed the divisive issues to be aired out in the Congress.

Row v Wade, same-sex marriage, etc are issues for the legislative bodies in their representative authority. The Supreme Court does not make law, they "decide cases brought before them according to the rule of law." Where are the activist Republican judges "making law"?

It is high time for the High Court to get back to judging. If Row v Wade is overturned, let the Congress decide its fate like it should have done in the first place. The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of our government have specific functions. When one becomes out of balance, it is the duty of the other two, and the voters to bring them back into balance.

The will of the people is pointed in the direction of fair and balanced from all three branches. Let's hope and pray that our officials are listening. Executive - execute, Legislative - legislate, Judicial - Judge, don't confuse your office by overstepping your bounds.

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