Tuesday, August 30, 2005

"Endangered species...

George Will likens the "prudent Democrat" to what was once thought to be an endangered species..., the snail darter. Washington Post, "Tone-Deafness Among Democrats"(search).

You've got to hand it to George Will, "prudent Democrats -- those political snail darters, the emblematic endangered species of American politics", shows his skill with words. But like George Will, I'm old enough to remember Conservative Democrats. They loved their country, and their fellow man. They had a reputation of standing up for "the little guy." They sponsored some good legislation.Turns out the "snail darters" were not endangered. Let us hope and pray that the "prudent Democrat" will surface once again and lead their party back from extinction.

There was a time when Senators disagreed without being disagreeable. There was a line one did not cross lest the Senator be labeled " dishonorable." Will the honorable Senators become extinct? There is a need for checks and balances. I believe in a two party system. I support minority parties as well. A dignified hearing for all nominees should be restored.

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